View Full Version : how much $$$ to bring

06-13-2007, 04:57 PM
Ok, Might trip is right around the corner and wondering how much to bring.
I'm looking to take two extra animals which would run $1,600
and a $1,000 for dip and pack
Shipping I was told for mounts already done $1,800 cause the crate is bigger. I will have my animals done here in the states.

I was thinking $300 tip is that enough?

06-19-2007, 08:05 PM
Depends on the country your going to. I generally take $1,000 just to be on the safe side. Good news for shipping home raw trophies: you can now ship them by ocean cargo (law changed 4 weeks ago) that will save you about half to two thirds the cost of air freight. Good hunting, grayghost

06-28-2007, 10:58 PM
Ocean cargo. Now do I tell my PH that is how I want them shipped? I know he has a special guy he uses.

thanks. Getting nervous that I'm forgetting something in my preparation before I leave in a month.

07-03-2007, 10:26 AM
Gary, you can request who you use as a Taxidermist (for dip and pack or mounts) then request who you wish to use for shipping. Safari Cargo is one of the largest in that area. You'll need to use a US Customs Broker to import raw trophies, or have them shipped to a certified/licensed US establishment such as a Taxidermist or Tannery. If mounted in Africa, they must enter a US Customs port of entry and once cleared, you can pick them up and do the paperwork yourself. It's your hunt, but if you do not know any of the above, your Outfitter/PH will recommend who he uses. Ask questions. If you have doubts check into it yourself. Good hunting, grayghost

07-05-2007, 08:17 PM
thanks for all your help

07-07-2007, 10:11 AM
Glad to help anytime. Good hunting, grayghost