View Full Version : Shoot where you look BB gun

06-16-2007, 06:25 AM
Anyone familiar with this sightless daisy BB gun? No longer available through Leon Measures SWYL program.


06-16-2007, 10:28 PM
JP that was a short lived experiment by Daisy I think. It was meant to teach somone to shoot aerial targets as small as an aspirin. This was a concept that I tried wayy waayy back in the late 50's early 60's. And if you stick with it it works pretty well...at least it used to. I got to the point where I could hit 3 of 5 thrown aspirin tablets with a bb gun that had the sights removed. The bb guns we have today aren't even close to what we had then. They were more powerful and a lot more accurate than today's ol Daisy. I was teaching my grandson as I taught my daughter before I moved out here. Although she shoots only occassionally you wouldn't want to stand next to her in a dove field. She's good... really good....with a shotgun. Not a skeet shooter or trap shooter but a very good field shot. And almost all of it was taught with a bb gun. You can do the same thing with a bb gun with sights if you tape a card(upright) to the bbl of it and then concentrate only on the object that is thrown. As with a shotgun...if you look at the sights..you will miss most of the time. If, on the other hand, you look ONLY at the target, you will almost always hit it

06-17-2007, 06:50 AM

Thanks for the info and tip. Always looking for ways to improve.
