View Full Version : Proposed rule changes for shipping blackpowder...

06-28-2007, 01:37 PM
Here's the official source...

1) Select OSHA
2) Select Proposed rules
Then click SUBMIT
When the page opens for Explosives...click the Adobe PDF icon a couple inches down from the top.

Better get some spare cases on the way...family & relatives, friends, neighbors...


Adam Helmer
06-28-2007, 02:41 PM

Many thanks for this important "Heads Up." Blackpowder is hard to find locally here; only one or two stores in the county carry it. I will be going to a big ronneyvoo next month and will get what I need from the suttlers there.

Again, thanks for your timely post.


Gil Martin
06-28-2007, 06:01 PM
Thanks for the update. All the best...

Skinny Shooter
06-28-2007, 08:49 PM
roundball, what page of that PDF document addresses blackpowder? I found info on smokeless but not BP.

06-29-2007, 09:07 AM
You'll just have to dig...I'm not going back through it...it covers everything... BP, smokeless, primers, caps, etc

Skinny Shooter
06-29-2007, 09:23 AM
Thanks anyways. I'll skip it. I don't have time to dig while I'm working to pay my taxes... :)

07-07-2007, 05:18 PM
I've been just checking in from time to time to see if there has been any activity on this page about something as serious as is proposed.

This document has 55 pages of rule changes and has been out since April. We are only just now getting into this. Some groups have asked for a 60 day extension, but that is not assured.

Anyone who doesn't have the time to look into this because they are too busy doing other things, should only remember that they would not have any reason to complain if these changes in fact come to fruit.

It takes just a minute to make a comment online (which is hard to say if it goes or not.. because your comments recycle when you "proceed"...


then go to the link for all public comments... the top one...

A new page opens and on the top right hand side, and click on 250 the number of results to display, then go to page two, 251 to 500. Then hit Ctrl F and a box opens up and type in Explosives or go three quarters down the page and look for Explosives and then read the document and on the far right there is an adobe like note symbol... click on tghat and write away...

If you don't... don't be sniveling if you are reduced to shooting a crossbow as a shoulder shooter.....

07-07-2007, 07:35 PM
1) The NRA is well engaged, sent off an official memo requesting an extension of the July 12th shut off date for comments;

2) The SAAMI manufacturers and dealers are aware & engaged;

3) The NSSA is aware & engaged;

4) Goex has publicly announced their position statement on their website and are engaged;

5) I have to believe every powder, primer, and other reloading component manufacturer is burning the mid-night oil thrashing everybody they can;

6) Rush Limbaugh had a whole show dedicated to it yesterday or day before;

7) Individuals are using the comment opportunity to voice their concern.

We would never have known about, or been able to do anything about, the Illegal Immigrant bill that we all recently participated in defeating without the Internet and forums just like this one.

The same thing applies to this back door sneak attack from OSHA...it almost snuck through completely undetected because OSHA is not normally up on pro-gun peoples radar screens...we're really lucky to have the Internet at our fingertips...unprecedented speed and ability to get information out across the country/world, and get actions back in from the entire population almost overnight...

Skinny Shooter
07-07-2007, 07:51 PM
Originally posted by rattus58
Anyone who doesn't have the time to look into this because they are too busy doing other things, should only remember that they would not have any reason to complain if these changes in fact come to fruit.

If you don't... don't be sniveling if you are reduced to shooting a crossbow as a shoulder shooter.....

To clarify my comment.
As a self-employed senior portrait shooter working long hours during the kiddies summer vacation (the busiest time of the year for us), I don't have the time to ungarble that document.
So I asked a question of a fellow shooter to help me figure out what part addresses blackpowder. Can't make it any clearer than that for you.
55 pages of rule changes are fairly evident.
How about some assistance with my original question instead of complaining about my lack of interest? :)

07-07-2007, 09:04 PM
Skinny... I wasn't directing my comments at anyone in particular... I have had a number of people I have been talking to over the last two days show little interest.

Those who leave it up to others will often times be disappointed at the outcome.

Aloha.. Tom :cool:

07-07-2007, 09:10 PM
Originally posted by roundball
6) Rush Limbaugh had a whole show dedicated to it yesterday or day before;

The same thing applies to this back door sneak attack from OSHA...it almost snuck through completely undetected because OSHA is not normally up on pro-gun peoples radar screens...we're really lucky to have the Internet at our fingertips...unprecedented speed and ability to get information out across the country/world, and get actions back in from the entire population almost overnight...

Rush Limbaugh dedicated maybe 5 minutes to this in TOTAL. He tok the information from the NRA website and talked about it for a few minutes only.

I agree with your last.

Aloha... :cool:

07-07-2007, 09:17 PM
Originally posted by Skinny Shooter

So I asked a question of a fellow shooter to help me figure out what part addresses blackpowder. Can't make it any clearer than that for you.


Page 11, first reference to explosives...

"Explosive. This term would be defined to mean any device, or liquid or solid chemical compound or mixture, the primary or common purpose of which is to function by explosion. The term ‘‘explosive’’ would be defined to include all material included as a Class 1 explosive by DOT in accordance with 49 CFR chapter I. The term would include, but would not be limited to, dynamite, black powder, pellet powders, detonators, blasting agents, initiating explosives, blasting caps, safety fuse, fuse lighters, fuse igniters, squibs, cordeau detonant fuse, instantaneous fuse, igniter cord, igniters, pyrotechnics, special industrial explosive materials, small arms ammunition, small arms ammunition primers, smokeless propellant, cartridges for propellant-actuated power devices, and cartridges for industrial guns."

Then you find more on pages 22, 38,46, and 54.

Skinny Shooter
07-07-2007, 09:34 PM
Thanks Tom. :)
I did see what the NRA site had to say.
Is it just me or does it seem that bills, rules, regs, etc. are worded in "legal-speak" to deliberately confuse the little guy
Maybe not but ya gotta wonder sometimes.
It'd be nice to just read something in plain English for a change.
I had visited the regulations.gov site and chose not to put my personal info out there on the web. My protest will get faxed to them instead.

07-08-2007, 12:10 AM
Hi Allen,

I'm faxing them also. I'm not sure how well the web response thing was working as it was.

Aloha... Tom :cool: