View Full Version : Buckshoot in 38 revolver & speer capsule

07-05-2007, 08:50 PM
A long time ago I used to find 38 specials loaded with 2 OO buckshot pellets. I can not find them now. Could 2 OO buckshot pellets be loaded in a speer shot capsule and loaded safely. Any source for data for something like this?

Thanks MIke H

07-07-2007, 06:12 AM
Use to call them "bed room" loads, haven't any loads any more for them, but it can be done, but the shot caps get brittle over time, 0 or 1's will allow you to load three in the cup.

Rocky Raab
07-07-2007, 08:57 AM
You can skip the capsules altogether if you find the fight size buckshot. Actually, a box of roundballs for a .36 cap-and-ball revolver are about perfect.

Use a light target charge like 3.0 Bullseye (has to be light due to the very reduced air space in the case with this load). Seat the first ball mostly with your thumb or short piece of dowel. Smear a touch of bullet lube or beeswax around the edges and then seat the second ball right to its equator. Crimp lightly.

You can make a similar load for the .45 Colt or .44 Mag if you find the right size roundballs. If they're just slightly too big, you can roll them between two pieces of smooth steel or heavy glass to reduce them just a smidge.

It's a short-range load, but it's neat to see two holes appear on a target with every trigger pull!

07-17-2007, 10:13 AM
Agreed, I made same for my 45/70 Contender. Surprising that the 2 holes were less than a foot apart at 30 yards.