View Full Version : "Shoot 'em, before we lose 'em."

Adam Helmer
07-09-2007, 01:43 PM
I was at the nearby gun club range last Saturday and the shooters discussed the OSHA-proposed rules. A few guys were shooting muzzleloaders and three guys were shooting smokeless powder arms from the bench. All were concerned and all "Commented" to OSHA.

One old guy said, "Fellows, I suggest you all shoot 'em before we lose 'em." I asked the old gray hair to expound and he did to all assembled. He suggested that all go lay in stores to carry us along for a long while. He also said that he predicts the days of our current easy access to surplus ammo, reloading components and black powder will end after the next presidential election. He sees this OSHA "rule making" restriction as a "trial balloon" of things to come.

Whatever happens down the road, I stopped by the local gunshop and laid in stores for the "lean times" to come. Forewarned is forearmed!


07-09-2007, 06:04 PM
I ordered additional Goex to go back up to my allowed 50lbs...and am having my Son order "his" 50lbs to store at his house.

Worse case, a 20grn igniter charge of Goex 3F under any amount of Pyrodex RS works perfectly in Flintlocks...when I switched to Flintlocks I did that to use up 6-7 lbs of Pyrodex RS left over from earlier caplock days...so if BP becomes even harder to get than BP subs, at least I know we could still shoot flintlocks by using layered charges

Adam Helmer
07-11-2007, 01:06 PM

I have not used "igniter charges" in my flintlocks, but your additional information is worth having.

I have stores on establishment, in case of future need. Be well.
