View Full Version : random urine test

jon lynn
07-12-2007, 09:51 AM
A friend sent me this in an e-mail, and I think it's an idea.

Like a lot of people, I have a job. I work, they pay me.
I pay my taxes and the government distributes my taxes as they see fit. In order to get that paycheck,
I am required to pass a random urine test, which I have no problem with.
What I do have a problem with is the distribution of my taxes to people who don't have to pass a urine test.
Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check, because I have to pass one to earn it for them?
Please understand, I have no problem with helping people get back on their feet.
I do, on the other hand, have a problem with helping someone sit on their butt.
Could you imagine how much money the state would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a public assistance check.

Andy L
07-12-2007, 10:26 AM
I got that email a while back. Im all for it.

I think welfare, disability and any other government checks should be handed out personally at a local office on certain days to spread them out thru the month. And, if you receive a taxpayers hard earned cash, you should pee in a cup and have it instantly analyzed before you can get your check. Pee dirty, no soup for you. And Im talkin alcohol and tobacco as well. If you have a controlled substance in your blood, you better produce a script and reason. And to top it off, a hair folical test should be done every three months or so. That can show traces of stuff you might hide on the monthly urine.

I honestly wish this would happen. It would no doubt cut back on alot of problems. And, hey, it would create some more jobs if it were privatized like alot of the OCCS and other private probation offices are now.

I know alot of counties in MO now, when you bond someone on a drug charge, a condition of their bond is they report to a private (OCCS) pre trial probation and pee once a week until your proven guilty. Dirty pee, bond revoked. I would assume it also helps prove guilt, not to mention deters abuse.

Theres no reason private offices cant be set up to take the load off the government and taxpayers to curb drug abusers from getting government cheese.

07-12-2007, 01:46 PM

I agree with you completely. The clean pee thing is a condition of most pre-release in Maryland and the District of Columbia, and not just for drug charges. I had a client in Maryland that was charged with 4 counts of 2nd degree assault and a condition of his pre-release was drug testing. Same thing for a guy charged with assault and staulking in DC. A Civil Protection Order ("CPO")was also entered against the guy in DC and he had to continue through the pee tests until the end of the one year CPO.

Personally, I think a lot of the problems in this country stem from drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. Tobacco is obviously a health issue, but the other two cause violent crime issues.

Andy L
07-12-2007, 01:54 PM
We agree? Wow! :cool:

The pre trial probation thing makes some more work for us, but also more money too. If someone pees dirty, we get an order to revoke the bond, so we got to find them and haul them in. After sitting for a while, normally another bond is set and we bond them again.

Kind of a double edged sword. But if the defendants followed the conditions of their bond, they wouldnt be in that position. So the extra cost and jail time is self inflicted.

Ive noticed that alot of them, if they are addicted to something that causes severe withdrawals, after being in the system, will check into a detox and treatment center to ease the pain. If they are smart, they will get cleaned out and it makes the system worthwile for everyone. Society included.

Dan Morris
07-12-2007, 03:38 PM
Wall.... I have to submit to random ones to get a paycheck to donate money to support this bunch..................why not share.........
OK by me

07-12-2007, 08:43 PM
I have to do randoms in my job a lot i like it i get to sit watch tv till they call my name pee in a cup watch them seal it and i get paid the hole time.
I worked with a guy that was out on bail for dui and drugs he had a plea in and going to get probation when he showed up to court they checked for both he failed.
The best part is when he gof fired he blamed every one but his self.

07-12-2007, 11:09 PM
Yep, that is today's society. Everybody wants to blame somebody else for what they failed to do.

07-18-2007, 03:26 PM
I have a problem with peeing in a cup for a job to begin with. If you want to have a breathalyzer or some other drug testing apparatus at the time clock, that's fine. But what I do on my own time is nobody elses fricking business. You wanna have a say in what I do 24/7, then you better pay me for 24/7.

07-18-2007, 08:25 PM
classic i yous to feal the same way but after i did my job for a while i seen the drug addicts and drunks working on trucks and driveing them i feal a hole lot differint.
Before the random drug tests and C.D.L lows i know of drivers that yous to drive with beer sitting in the seat next to them.
mehanics were worse lots couldnt hold a lic to drive becouse of d.u.i and drugs were a every day problim.
The best thing i could say is would you want some one that is drunk or a strung out crack head risking your childs life becouse that is what happens when they work on trucks or drive them.

07-19-2007, 12:21 AM
If I'm an employer and a potential employee has a problem with passing a drug test or taking a drug test, I think I would prefer the next candidate anyway. Remember, unless you are one of a kind, employers usually have a bunch of additional applicants other than just you.

07-19-2007, 01:31 AM
Originally posted by Classicvette63
I have a problem with peeing in a cup for a job to begin with. If you want to have a breathalyzer or some other drug testing apparatus at the time clock, that's fine. But what I do on my own time is nobody elses fricking business. You wanna have a say in what I do 24/7, then you better pay me for 24/7.

Would you care to discuss the crack head mechanic that just worked on the aircraft you and your family are getting ready to board for a cross country flight?

Doesn't that give you a warm fuzzy? But why should you care, they didn't pay him 24/7 either. Sure hope your aircraft doesn't go down in flames because he missed something on the checklist because he was under the influence.

But your a libertarian and they didn't pay him 24/7 so you don't give a rats rump because he was off duty when he got high.

Sell your BS to somebody else. I heard those limp excuses when I was in the military. What I do on my own time is my business. Like hell it is. When it affects other people and their lives, it becomes the general publics business.


07-19-2007, 02:55 PM
Billy, I never said they should be under the influence at work. Quite the contrary, I said I would have no problem with a breathalyzer or drug tester at the time clock.

Andy L
07-19-2007, 04:12 PM
Honestly, I would have no problem with someone that uses alcohol or short term drugs on their own time. As long as they are wroking and not doing it on my dime, like welfare. Problem is with the hard drugs. Meth and Cocaine (in whichever form) addicts. If they use at night, they are most likely going to be up most of the night and most likely going to be using before and maybe at work. If not, they will be coming down and hung over or jonsing so bad they wont be able to function.

This isnt speculation, Ive seen it.

Never the less, if I ran a business where my employees could put someone at danger and therefore up my liability, I would definitly have drug testing. As it is, our workers are contract agents. And in our line of work, they would be fools to go to the booking room of the jail to write a bond under the influence. It kinda takes care of itself.

I can understand someone that owns a factory or a trucking company or whatever wanting drug testing. What you do on your off time IS their business if its going to affect your work as well.

07-20-2007, 08:42 AM
Originally posted by Andy L
I got that email a while back. Im all for it.

I think welfare, disability and any other government checks should be handed out personally at a local office on certain days to spread them out thru the month. And, if you receive a taxpayers hard earned cash, you should pee in a cup and have it instantly analyzed before you can get your check. Pee dirty, no soup for you. And Im talkin alcohol and tobacco as well. If you have a controlled substance in your blood, you better produce a script and reason. And to top it off, a hair folical test should be done every three months or so. That can show traces of stuff you might hide on the monthly urine.

I honestly wish this would happen. It would no doubt cut back on alot of problems. And, hey, it would create some more jobs if it were privatized like alot of the OCCS and other private probation offices are now.

I know alot of counties in MO now, when you bond someone on a drug charge, a condition of their bond is they report to a private (OCCS) pre trial probation and pee once a week until your proven guilty. Dirty pee, bond revoked. I would assume it also helps prove guilt, not to mention deters abuse.

Theres no reason private offices cant be set up to take the load off the government and taxpayers to curb drug abusers from getting government cheese.


08-15-2007, 08:33 PM
I dont agree on the tabacco part that Andy had included in his reply post.
DRUGS and alcohol yes,..NOT cigarettes.
I smoke and I have had enough invasions on my free life to do so .
I pay alot of taxes to enjoy my life endangering habit.
So now I pay for it twice,..but testing on it is a no way fer me,..

But the welfare bums and and lazy asses out there collecting that welfare should take a monthly and as what was said a hiar folical test.
Because in my eyes if they can afford drugs and beer and wine and whiskey ,..then they dont need assitance.

I hope I didnt ruffle any feathers,..but lets leave cigarettes alone for awhile ,..lolol.

Later All


08-16-2007, 03:28 AM
Great idea....has anyone contacted their gov reps and demanded this action?.......it goes nowhere on here...it use to be one person could make a difference and maybe it can still work that way if only one person contacted their gov reps and demanded action...which by the way we all would have to follow....if you aren't the lead dog, the view never changes.....I think most of us on HC think the same about issues of the world....I do see one big big problem now days...nobody gets involved in letting their reps know how they feel about issues.....and this is one big big reason we are loosing America to those that can't even speak the language...because we don't speak up for ourselves where it counts....does little to bicker with each other about it while towel heads are running this land....I just got a phone call the other day and couldn't even understand the lady and it was to do with the VA....geez.....well at least she had a job here in America....a government one at that....hummm....yep..this gereration is just giving this land away.....

08-16-2007, 07:26 AM
While I don't disagree, I'd like to point out that much more goes to making something happen than an idea.

How would it work?
IE: how would it get paid for? There would be costs for:

-the test
-people to monitor the tests
-people to process the paperwork
-people to run the program (appeal process, denial process, court, etc)

I suspect there would be a substantial cost to set up, and we'd likely be paying much more than we are now. :(

08-16-2007, 09:04 AM
He is correct that we would have to pay to do the tests etc...but then again he is thinking in a PC manner also. We are all being lulled into a bit of political correctness anymore. My ideas...

The test is not that expensive in and of itself so if the person tested is not using any of the items that would not be allowed the cost would be paid from the System and we would have to fund it..if the person is found to be using one or some of the illegal substances..the costs would be paid from what they would have been paid ..leaving quite a bit left over because at least 50% are using illegal stuff much less alcohol... As far as appeals...That is where the PC thing comes in..what appeal?? Why should there be an appeals process. The gray areas are not there. Either the person was using illegal drugs or he wasn't...either yes or no. If yes..no money...if no he or she gets the money. We have allowed the lawyers to put waaayyy too much gray areas into the law as it is. This would have to be a hard nosed, no gray, black or white issue if it was done at all. So from this point...it is very apparent that this could never happen in our society today...no matter how much we would like to see it. Could you see the hierarchy of the ACLU if this went through?? They would be like a PACK of junk yard dogs.. Another problem that I could see...the government would hire unemployed people to administer the test and there would be so many payoffs it wouldn't be funny!:rolleyes:

08-16-2007, 05:19 PM
They would save money by doing the test by cutting off those that dont pass ,.meaning they (goverment) takes those savings and applies them to the test and what have ya.

That the other problem with our goverment and ourselves,..we worry about change ,we whin and gripe over stuff but we dont do nothing about it because our negitive side takes over.

Its time to stop thinking that no one will do anything,..and start doing something.

Ok all


Andy L
08-19-2007, 06:25 PM
DRUGS and alcohol yes,..NOT cigarettes

Wolvie, if someone can afford to smoke nowdays, they dont need welfare either. Welfare is for people to survive that cant work. I dont want my tax dollars spent on alcohol, tobacco and sure not drugs. Period.

And yes, the savings of a program like this would more than pay for the tests with alot left over. And, if you cut down on the welfare recipients smoking, drinking and doing drugs, your going to cut way back on medicade patients, saving even more money.

We have a local hospital and several of their clinics in serious financial trouble right now, and its not for profit, because of all the deadbeats. Sad situation.

Im in pretty good terms with my state senator and represenative. I will do what I can Skeet. Maybe a idea and some introduction into next session can start the ball rolling, in MO anyhow. That is unless the liberals take over again. The majority of their base receives checks so that wont work. :rolleyes:

08-21-2007, 07:08 AM
We dont want our tax $$$ paying for peoples habits,bad or good.
And we certainly dont want them to have more then we do!

So heres an idea,...

Food Stamps are no longer FOOD STAMPS,..they are now on a card like credit style,..but it is all linked to the state,..so that way you cant use it as a credit card.

So why not have ALL Welfare recipents,..turn in all the info on where they live,and the gas compnay and electric company they use and have the state pay what they need and not give them a check or money etc.


Send the welfare recipents a Voucher that has to be signed and stamped by those same companies.
Now I know there are those that would take this voucher to the aunts or family and have them sign it as their "LandLord",..unless that landlord is registered with the State Welfare agency ,.they wouldnt be considered lawful at that point.

And AndyL as for cigs and drugs and Alcohol,I do understand where your coming from,..as long as the test(Cigarettes) didnt come back to bite the "WORKING MAN" who should be able to smoke or drink ,..but no drugs...
We have to be careful how we approach certain areas,..because the liberials and other A-Holes are always looking to put the screwin to the working man and woman,..and get them to pay for more and to lose more rights.

Ok all