View Full Version : The ?remigton

07-14-2007, 11:46 PM
I'm looking at moving up to the "remington" SPR 453 auto.
What have you guys heard on reliability with these.

07-15-2007, 07:36 AM
At a retail price of less than 500 bucks don't expect the moon. Not certain but I seem to remember that theses may be the old Charles Daly line. They had a few problems..mostly I think with breaking firing pins. Try one though. If ya want a shotgun for all around use it may be just the ticket. You can, of course, buy them for less than suggested retail:D

07-15-2007, 10:31 AM
I think these are Biakals. They were a heavy 3.5" 12 that was reliable. Rem. Spartan line of shotguns are mostly the Biakal line that was imported by EAA. Rifles are the old CD line imported fron Yugo. made by Zastava. Not sure of my spellings.

07-16-2007, 12:20 AM
check out these puppies http://www.huntingandfishing.co.nz/index.php/ps_pagename/shopping_sub_cat?shop_access=&shop_cat=Gamebird+%26+Shotgun+Shooting&shop_sub_cat=Kilwell+Sports+Ltd