View Full Version : Paper reloaders for powder and shot

07-15-2007, 02:11 PM
I tried the idea of a coin wrapper with an Oxyoke wad inside but none are small enough to slide into the .62cal bore.
So since I had to make something anyway, this is what I've come up with so far:

Paper load carriers for powder or shot, following the general design of the paper cartridges that were used way back when...planning to use these on a dove shoot.

1) Cut sheets of 8.5" x 11" in half twice to get 4+1/4" x 5+1/2" sized papers
2)Roll a paper up using a 5/8" dowel with the end result being 4+1/4" long
3)Fold flaps on one end like a coin wrapper and crease shut against a hard surface
4)Pour in the powder or shot
5)Flatten the excess paper right in front of the contents to make sort of a tail out of the excess paper
6)1st fold = the tail folding 90 degrees flat across / above the contents, crease firmly;
7)2nd fold = the remaining tail wrapping back behind the tail’s body, crease firmly;
8)3rd fold = wrapping the remaining tip back across the tail’s body, crease firmly;
9) To use, tear off the tail and dump the contents down bore.
10) Swing on Dove and pull trigger
11) (following the shot, cussing is optional)


07-16-2007, 02:49 PM
For skeet shooting I use a 32 gauge and 28 gauge empty hulls. Pour the measure shot into the 32 and slide into a 28 gauge hull. This is not PC but I can re-load and shoot right with the modern guns.

To use just separate the two, pour the shot and save hulls to re-use.

When hunting waterfowl I use 16 gauge and 12 gauge hulls. I can use a different color 12 gauge hull to identified the shot size, BB's or #2's.

07-16-2007, 10:48 PM
That's actually a pretty slick idear there ruger... how do you keep the ingredients all together without spilling?

Aloha... Tom :cool:

Adam Helmer
07-17-2007, 01:43 PM

Welcome to this Forum; I see this is only your third post.

Tell us about your hunting arms and how you secure those loads before you load up. Again, welcome to this site.


08-29-2007, 12:53 PM
Sorry it took so long to get back to you. I've had computer issues.
You will find that the friction between the two shotgun shell hulls will hold them together quite well. The brass will stop you from pushing them too closse.

09-22-2007, 08:00 PM
Hi Ruger... you put the power into the 28 hull and the shot in the 32 hull. You push them together, I got that far... now this is plastic into plastic, right? Not brass end into plastic, so how do you confine both your shot and your powder.

I've been fussing with this a little with two sizes of plastic cups, and like in my speed loaders, I've held the powder in with a wadded paper towel.

Aloha... T0m

09-24-2007, 11:10 AM
I think I may have confused some. I use an empty 28 ga. and 32 ga. to hold the shot. I pour the measured shot into the 28ga hull and slide a 32 ga hull over the top and press the 2 together.

My powder is in a flask.

For waterfowl hunting I use 12ga and 16ga hulls to hold the shot. I use different color 12 ga hulls for the different shot, i.e. Fiocchi 12ga orange with a Rem 16ga hull for #2 bismuth, Rem Gold STS 12 ga with a Rem 16ga for BBB steel, and Peters blue 12 ga with Rem 16ga for #1 steel.

I found that the speed loaders don't hold the proper amount of shot as the shot size gets larger.

Grab a hand full of desired shot and off I go. Save the empties and reload at home.

09-24-2007, 11:33 AM
Got it.... Thanks..... nice and simple..

Aloha.. :cool: