View Full Version : Wild Boar Down

07-21-2007, 10:37 AM
Was out buck hunting, here the season is in the rut. Seen a good buck early, at six feet away, right under the ladder. No way I could think about moving to get in position to shoot. Got wind of me and was lickety split gone. A while later a Doe and 2 Fawns stroll by, a little later a Martin. Then a short time later I spot another buck behind me. Not sure why I looked back there, just one of those things when you're out hunting, a sixth sense or whatever. Had to kneel on the ladder to get in position to shoot, had him in the scope, but brush was in the way so was waiting for it to take about 2 steps. Then something came along that saved the bucks life. Kept hearing light noises to the right, finally see a wild boar moving about. Ok, the buck still not in a good position to shoot, maybe . . . I had to get back turned around and in a position to shoot the boar. It all worked out, got a good shot off. At the shot it ran, but after waiting 15 minutes and a short 40 meters tracking a good blood trail led to the boar. 30-06, H4350 pushing 180gr A Frames, Waidmannsheil, Dom.

Ladder seat I was sitting in

All Loaded up

Field Dressed

Cleaned up nicely

Scales don't lie, 39kg, or ~85 lbs field dressed. Game hunted on State Forests is weighed and sold by the Kilo

07-21-2007, 02:39 PM
Congrats. Good shot placement. Send me some sausage (wurst, Bitte) ? I still think of the raw hamburger/onions and brotchen that used to be served at dances. I remember when my Mom would mix up hamburger at home and I would schnitz some and get my fingers smacked with a wooden mixing spoon. That little lady was fast.

Glad you had a good hunt. Does it seem funny to you to hunt at this time of year? It would almost seem like jet lag to me. But I'm sure I could get used to it. ;)

Speaking of that, our archery season starts next month. Darn, where has the year gone. Theres only 157 shopping days till Christmas. Doesn't that brighten your day? Me too. :rolleyes: My Grandfather used to have a saying, "every nights a Saturday night and every day is Christmas." As I age I now know what he was talking about.

Have a good one


07-22-2007, 03:29 PM
Waidmannsdank Billy. Be glad to get you some wurst, but you gotta come over here to get it!! That raw hamburger is called Tar tar, I must say it is good, with onions. I haven't had it that often, but have had it a few times.

As far as hunting this time of year, when I first started hunting over here, yes, it was weird being out in the middle of summer. But, since I hunt all year long, it's normal. Worst thing I hate is the humidity. After I got done dragging and field dressing, I was sweating like a 'stuck pig' :D

Since we're pretty far North, about along the Minnesota / Canadian parallel line, the other thing that's hard to do is get up at 03:30, which puts me in the seat at 0430 when it starts getting light. That and it's not dark until 10:30, so that makes it hard to hunt evenings during the week when you gotta get up to go to work. Didn't bother me when I was younger, but you really gotta have hunting in your blood to do that year after year!! Nonhunters would think I'm crazy, but I know there's a lotta guys and gals that really enjoy hunting who do the same, Dom.