View Full Version : Goodbye Jake

07-26-2007, 08:24 AM

Hero Dog Who Helped in 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina Rescue Efforts Dies

NEW YORK — A black Labrador who became a national canine hero after burrowing through white-hot, smoking debris in search of survivors at the World Trade Center site died Wednesday after a battle with cancer.

Owner Mary Flood had Jake put to sleep Wednesday after a last stroll through the fields and a dip in the creek near their home in Oakley, Utah. He was in too much pain at the end, shaking with a 105-degree fever as he lay on the lawn.

No one can say whether the dog would have gotten sick if he hadn't been exposed to the smoky air at Ground Zero, but cancer in dogs Jake's age — he was 12 — is quite common.

Some rescue dog owners who worked at the World Trade Center site claim their animals have died because of their work at Ground Zero. But scientists who have spent years studying the health of Sept. 11 search-and-rescue have found no sign of major illness in the animals.

The results of an autopsy on Jake's cancer-riddled body will be part of a University of Pennsylvania medical study of Sept. 11 search-and-rescue dogs.

Flood had adopted Jake as a 10-month-old disabled puppy — abandoned on a street with a broken leg and a dislocated hip.

"But against all odds he became a world-class rescue dog," said Flood, a member of Utah Task Force 1, one of eight federal search-and-rescue teams that desperately looked for human remains at ground zero.

Anguished New Yorkers honored the dogs.

On the evening of his team's arrival, Jake walked into a fancy Manhattan restaurant wearing his search-and-rescue vest and was promptly treated to a free steak dinner under a table.

Flood eventually trained Jake to become one of fewer than 200 U.S. government-certified rescue dogs — a muscular animal on 24-hour call to tackle disasters such as building collapses, earthquakes, hurricanes and avalanches.

After Hurricane Katrina, Flood and Jake drove 30 hours from Utah to Mississippi, where they searched through the rubble of flooded homes in search of survivors.

In recent years, Jake helped train younger dogs and their handlers across the country. Jake showed other dogs how to track scents, even in the snow, and how to look up if the scent was in a tree.

He also did therapy work with children at a Utah camp for burn victims and at senior homes and hospitals.

"He was a great morale booster wherever he went," says Flood. "He believed that his cup was always full, never half-full. He was always ready to work, eager to play — and a master at helping himself to any unattended food items."

Cynthia Otto of the University of Pennsylvania's School of Veterinary Medicine, who is researching the health of Sept. 11 dogs, expects Jake and the other animals being analyzed will serve as sentinels on possible long-term consequences stemming from 9/11.

Jake's ashes will be scattered "in places that were important to him," says Flood, like his Utah training grounds, the rivers and hills near home where he swam and roamed.


07-26-2007, 08:46 AM
He was a beautiful dog.

Dogs are amazing creatures. I like cats too, but have you ever heard of a search and rescue cat?

07-26-2007, 01:00 PM
That has to be tough!

Nothing short of a family member or maybe more.

I loath the day.

Dan Morris
07-26-2007, 01:20 PM
Did this two weeks ago......still not over it!

07-26-2007, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by Gunslingergirl
He was a beautiful dog.

Dogs are amazing creatures. I like cats too, but have you ever heard of a search and rescue cat?


Animals are much more perspective than us mere humans. Did you read about the cat that can predict death in humans? It was in USA Today.

I have a bad back and whenever I drop something my dog will pick it up and give it to me. No problem. But when I shoot a bird he will go get it and will not drop it untill he's darn good and ready. He doesn't chew them, just kind of rolls them around in his mouth, when he gets ready he'll drop it. I hate using a schock collar but I guess thats the only way he'll ever learn.

Animals are smart, they train us very well.

Best wishes, Bill

07-26-2007, 05:29 PM

I saw the cat story on a couple of different sites today.

I really think animals do sense things. When my Mom was ill, my parents dog treated her much differently. He was gentler with her. I think he knew she wasn't well and wanted to protect her.
It was rather sweet.

Animals do train us though. One of the people in our office has a small dog that she brings to work with her. He's older and quiet, but he makes his rounds of the office every day. He's trained me to take him out and to give him treats. He knows I'm a total sucker for sad doggy eyes.


07-26-2007, 07:35 PM
The "Oscar the Cat" story rings true as far as I'm concerned. My Dad wasn't a "cat person" but my wife and I raised a family of feral kitties that we stole from the Mama when they were 2 days old and fed them our super formula that we made. We pawned one of these kitties off on my folks where my Dad and the Cat took separate corners for several years. When my Dad was bed ridden while suffering from lung and brain cancer, in his final days, Button the kitty would spend all her time curled up with my Dad. We all sorta joked about it figuring that had my Dad been cognizant of the kitties presence, he probably would have been pissed!

As for Dogs....along with my brothers and sisters gathered around my Mom while she took her final breath, my Labrador Jack was there by her side with a paw on the bed and as calm and collected as he ever had been. He understood what was happening and was part of it along with the rest of us.

07-26-2007, 07:36 PM
Lost my yellow lab Midas in July '05. He was 13.5 years old. Yeah it's tough:(

07-26-2007, 08:54 PM
But where would we be without our pets. They put a whole lot of lovin' in a few short years, and we know this when we get them, it's a short term deal. Then they pass, and our hearts are broken.

Somebody used to have a sig line, don't remember who it was that read, "when a dog dies he takes a piece of our heart but he leaves a piece of his for us". At least something resembling that anyway. I always felt that was a beautiful thought .

Best wishes, Bill

07-27-2007, 08:44 AM
Yeah, it's hard when an animal we've loved passes on. My Dad had to have his yellow lab put to sleep a few months ago. It was really tough.

Still, they had a lot of good times together and we have a lot of great memories.

Him being gone does leave a whole in the family though.