View Full Version : The Grand American Trapshoot

08-04-2007, 02:28 PM
The ATA national championship trap shoot is this coming week at the new shooting range in Sparta, IL. Starts on 8-6-07.

If you live in driving distance of St. Louis, Mo. it may worth your while to drive over and visit the 100+ vendor booths. All of the major shotgun manufacturers have displays, as well as many gun dealers, ammo companies, and all type of shooting accessory sellers. Last year I spent five hours just looking at all the booths, and bought several shooting items.

Several gunsmiths come with portable machine-shop trailers, and will open chokes, make repairs, install recoil pads, etc. -- while you wait.

It is an event worth your time if you live anywhere nearby.

By the way, this new facility was built by the State of Ilinois at a cost of $50 million; and include 100+ trap fields, 20 skeet fields, and two sporting clay set-ups. I think there are camping sites for 1,000 trailers/tents/etc.

08-04-2007, 06:09 PM
I am jealous. I cannot even imagine shooting at a place like that. Is it open during the year for people to shoot for fun, or is it only open for competitions?

By the way, me at a place/event like that would not be good. I would be in debt beyond my ears by the end of the day.

08-05-2007, 09:54 AM
I'm going on Fri. we went last year and it is impressive. Last year it wasn't complete this year there is now 2 sporting clays courses, skeet fields and the cowboy shooting area. I think the thing that got to me most was the camp ground. 1,000 camp sites and they were all FULL. Motor homes in excess of a million bucks, I saw one that was built from a semi trailer. Try this site and click on the shooting complex icon. http://dnr.state.il.us/

I think it must just drive our anti gun weanie Governor nuts. (one term jerk I believe/hope)

08-05-2007, 09:06 PM
While I am not a booster of Democratic governor BAGJ, he has been quite supportive of this new shooting facility.

To answer the earlier question, YES the facility is open all year to the public, and there are numerous shooting events there every month.

The "firing line" is almost three (3) miles long. It is built on top of an old coal mine property. Also has several fishing lakes.