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View Full Version : BPI hulls & data

M.T. Pockets
08-06-2007, 07:34 AM
I recently acquired a 16 guage that has been in our family for years. I'd like to reload ammunition for it. I was thinking I'd use AA hulls but they're not readily available, and I don't think that they're even available in factory loads in 16 guage.

The only readily available suppy of hulls I can find are from BPI. I can't find any recommended loads from any powder manufacturers from these hulls. I really don't want to buy a $30 book to find a load or two for the BPI hull.

Has anyone else used BPI hulls, and where did you get your loading data ? Thank you.

08-06-2007, 08:47 PM
Winchester and Remington both make game loads for the 16 gauge. Personally, I prefer reloading Remington hulls now versus Winchester. Never liked the Winchester game hulls for reloading and still don't unless they have changed the hulls from 10 years ago. Some of the Remington game hulls can even be found in 8 crimp. Heck, I even prefer the Remington STS hulls over the new and improved AA hulls. 15 years ago, I never thought I would be saying that.

08-06-2007, 10:38 PM
What fabs said. The Federal hulls are useable too. Don't last as long as the Remington but they are definitely better than the Winchester. I have been loading the Federal 20 ga game load shells for the last 4 months. Load ok for about 5 times..then pitch 'em. I just got a Winchester M-24 SxS in 16 ga and got about 6 boxes of superX shells...which are just AA cases with a high base wad.

M.T. Pockets
08-07-2007, 07:39 AM
Thanks guys, looks like I have to get a case of factory ammo and save the hulls.

This old 16 is an Ithica 37 with the bottom eject, perfect for picking up your empties.

08-07-2007, 11:12 AM
You might try this site for hulls. They show Remington once fired and new Chedite in stock. I believe that the Chedite hulls reload using Federal wads and Federal load data at least that is what I can do with the 28s. If someone knows different, please jump in here. I just bought a bunch of 410 and 28 hulls from them.


I have been using these folks for 20 years as my buffer source for my large case competition cast bullet loads. I use their spherical buffer in a Little Dandy powder throw. They are good people and they do ship real quick.