View Full Version : first time w/ new G26

08-06-2007, 01:17 PM
the dark side is still great, although i love the 45, i decided to go sub-compact and go with the little 9mm, glock 26, first time out today, 200 rounds, not a single FTE or anything problems at all. all i noticed in difference is that this gun will point out your flaws in your form, as i noticed the beginning of a clip i would be right on and then fade left and hight as the clip went out. oh and by the way i see no need for that silly little pinky thing people put on glocks
two things remain
a better holster
night sights...suggestions?

Adam Helmer
08-25-2007, 05:03 PM

I have a few .45 ACP-caliber arms and shoot them a lot. In 1989, we were issued Glock M17 or M19s, our choice. I chose a M19 and got to like it. Headquarters allowed field agents to buy their duty arms (at cost) and called them"POWs", for personally owned weapons. In 1996, when I retired, my Glock M19 came home with me.

Yes, I still prefer the old Colt M1911 or M1911A1, most days. But I do like shooting the Glock M19, the P-38 and the P-08 Luger, all are, as you know, 9mm arms.

Enjoy your compact 9mm.
