View Full Version : Model 12 Disassembly

08-07-2007, 12:41 PM
Can anyone in 50 words or less tell me how to disassembly my Win Md 12. I used to have a print out on it,but I hid it from myself and can't find it. Also has any one used the Blue Wonder Blue kit? My gunsmith quit blueing and I want to try it on Nickel-steel. Any suggestions? Thanks Crowcommander

08-07-2007, 02:23 PM
Remove bbl. Unlock the bbl lock pin and turn mag..turn bbl left to remove from frame. Remove trigger group by removing screw in the rear of the guard. . Bolt should be locked forward.. Small pivot latch on the side of the bolt. unlock by pivoting forward. slide bolt to the rear to the area in the frame rails where it can be removed. Clean gun. Shell latch will fall out. Easy to put back in. Sell me the gun after cleaning. Don't bother to put that cold blue stuff on nickle steel Winchesters. Hot blue really didn't stay well on the nickle steel guns either. Rust blue. Lot of work but does a nice lasting job. I've done about a dozen of them that way. Time consuming but well worth it. Takes about 15-20 passes with rust blue on a nickle steel gun Fun...have it!

08-07-2007, 05:48 PM
Thanks Skeet for your input and kn owledge. Crowcommander