View Full Version : What's your dream hunt?

08-12-2007, 10:51 PM
My uncle brought the subject up and I thought it was quite interesting. If you had the opportunity to do a once in a lifetime hunt, what would it be?

Since I live in CA my dream hunt may seem routine to others, but I'd love to hunt a trophy bull elk in Colorado or Wyoming some time in my lifetime.

08-12-2007, 11:48 PM
Elk with my father.

Dan Morris
08-13-2007, 06:17 AM
Wall hanger elk......that someone else gets to gut and pack out!LOL

jon lynn
08-13-2007, 07:29 AM
If yer gonna draem.."MILK IT!"

Elk in Colorado...............Prong Horn in Wyoming..............Moose in New England, on a month long hunt plan.

08-13-2007, 08:04 AM
I've got to go with an all inclusive African safari, namely the big 5 along with Kudu, Gemsbuck, and a few others. IF it were still possible, a tiger might make the top of the chart.


08-13-2007, 08:13 AM
Alaskan Brown Bear and Moose Combo, with a bow of course :D

I'd like a 60 - 70" moose, got just the place for it on my wall. Plus I would love to stalk and arrow a big ol boar brown bear.

A lot more come to mind, but this is one I see happening in the next 10 years. I always thought that archery elk hunting would be an untouchable dream. Now after MANY years of hunting those critters, I'm ready to move on to my next dream.

I'd like to throw in Dall Sheep and Moutain goat before I get into my 40's. Just something about hunting in a place like that really gets me going. Respect the mountain, no other words for it.

M.T. Pockets
08-13-2007, 08:28 AM
Alaska mixed bag hunt. It would require lots of rides in little bitty airplanes and maybe some horseback riding. Grizz, moose, sheep and caribou over a 3 week hunt. Sorry Petey, I'd be taking my .300 Win.

08-13-2007, 09:31 AM
I got to go on my dream hunt last month. Wife and I were in Namibia for 9 days. Took Kudu, Gemsbok and Mountain Zebra. Was a perfect trip.:)

08-13-2007, 09:32 AM
A couple of weeks squirrel hunting on a large creek or river. It should be good enough that I wouldn't have to lie about my numbers and their size when retelling the story later.

I would like to have dad, my brothers, and a couple of buddies of mine with me. For the true dream hunt portion my ailing grandfather would be in good enough shape to make us all look bad with that old single shot 22.



08-13-2007, 10:18 AM
Well, it took me a lot of years and thank the Lord I'm still kicking but I'm actually living my dream hunts. Every year I go somewhere, this year the bigger ones will be Mouflon in Czech and Stag / Boar in Hungary. Hope to be in Montana chasing Elk & Mulies next year, at least it's in the plans.

Of course, I wouldn't mind another trip to Africa, but that was one of my dream hunts and I made it last year.

A Caribou in Canada is also still in my dreams, Waidmannsheil, Dom.

08-13-2007, 01:04 PM
Those are a bunch of great sounding hunts!

My dad, uncle and I dream of pursuing our dream hunts all together. Our plan would be each of us pursue our hunt and the other 2 follow along to help guide, pack out, video tape, etc. Then we'd rotate.

My dad has dreamed of Dall sheep, but my uncle has yet come up with his.

Ahhh... the fun of daydreaming!

08-13-2007, 02:10 PM

You need to get a copy of 700 Miles Alone from my good buddy Bruce "Buck" Nelson. It's a DVD where he took a float plane, dropped him off ALONE in the wilds. He hunted on foot for 3 weeks for Dall Sheep and walked around 200 miles. Then he took 3 more weeks and rafted 500 miles by himself, fishing and hunting moose and caribou. He ate what he shot and videoed the whole trip. It's not a hunting video by means of kill shots, but gives you an idea of what 2.5 months in Alaska is all about...by yourself.

It's a pretty awesome video. He's a member here on Huntchat and I see him every once in a while, and he'll shoot me off an email or two every now and then. It's definitly a must see for an Alaskan Enthusiast and makes you appreciate that place for what it is. I believe his site is


I believe he did all the editing so it's nothing like you'd see on TV or anything but it is worth watching. I think it's only like $20 or so? My wife watched it with me and said..."In your Dreams"...like she'd never do that with me! What a nerve.

08-14-2007, 12:09 AM

We can always dream, right? you may talk her into it one day...;)


M.T. Pockets
08-14-2007, 08:38 AM
If I'm remembering correct, Buck Nelson is a firefighter who grew up on a farm (kind of like me) except he left MN for Alaska.

I've seen the video advertised, I should get it.

Been to Alaska once, had a great time and got a caribou and saw a bear as big as a school bus. I'd like to go back and see if the sun can shine.

Petey, don't worry about hunting sheep by the time you're 40. I'm 42 and having a big hunt gives me the incentive to stay in shape. It's good for you physically and mentally.

08-14-2007, 05:10 PM
That's a good question..had to think a while on that...
I've never had the itch to go to Alaska, Africa er the like.
I would like to go on a cougar hunt with dogs...that would be cool.
Or a 2 week trapping/coon hunt w/ dogs trip on the river would be cool too.

No...wait...a babysitter for 2 weeks of any kind of huntin I could do would be my dream hunt....yep..that's it. Just 2 weeks of nuthin but huntin...yeah...I could do that. :D

08-14-2007, 07:15 PM

Got me to thinking.It would have to be caribou in the BAFFIN Islands.


08-15-2007, 08:23 PM
I would love to load a nice digi cam up and go shoot a Wolf pack,...on the hunt,..and also a Wolverine hunting and maybe even defending his kill.
I only hunt what I intend to eat,..so hunting for sport I cant do,..but if that qualifies, That would be my dream hunt,..on film watching a hunter in action with his family.

But as far as an actual DREAM HUNT?
It would have to be hunting Whitetail in Iowa,..BIG HUGE WHITETAILS !!!!



08-18-2007, 01:09 PM
For me, it would have to be Africa. Not the typical ranch hunts so popular these days, but a full blown safari like was done in the old days including the Big Five. Two or three months on the hunt, using nothing more than My Ruger #1 in .300 Win. mag. for plains game and my Ruger #1 in .416 Rigby for the big and nasty.
back in the days when the British ruled Africa, many young officers could not afford expensive double rifles and so hunted with nicely made single shot rifles based on Farquharsen (sp) and Martini-Henry actions.
For those who would like to see a Farquharsen (sp) rifle, check out the Ghost and the Darkness. The rifle that misfired in Val Kilmer's hands is based on that action. Note to the strong resemblance to the Ruger $1.
It's all Stewart Granger's fault for making King Solomon's Mines.
Paul B.