View Full Version : Need Help Finding Bullets

08-12-2007, 10:58 PM
Could someone please let me know if there is anywhere or anyone that has some .284 cal Flat Nose bullets. I need either 120 gr. Sierra Gameking BTSP-FN like Federal loads for the 7-30 Waters or Nosler 120gr. FP #28121. The Fed. factory loads will shoot about a 2" group at 100 yds and thats ok but my Super 16 likes IMR 3031 powder. I pulled 5 bullets out of the factory ammo and put 32gr 3031 and seated the bullet 5 thousandths off the lands which this barrel likes and shot a .62 with the 5 hand loads. So if anyone knows where either of these can be purchased or if anyone has some to sell please let me know.

Thanks so much

Rocky Raab
08-13-2007, 09:10 AM
The only flatpoint bullets I have on hand are 139-grainers, Benny.

You don't require flatpoints in that single-shot, of course, so you could always fall back on one of the several brands and styles of pointed 120s if your sought-after types can't be found.

With the current shortage of all kinds of components, you may not have the option of being picky.

Yours is a different gun, of course, but my !4" barrel shoots all 120s about the same, including Nosler BTs, Speer and Sierra.

08-13-2007, 04:39 PM
Only thing I see at midwayusa for that is hollowpoint or softpoint. Good Luck


08-13-2007, 07:45 PM
Well thanks guy's for your help. I was off work today and searched the web hoping to find someone that would have these FP's or FN's in 120gr's. Found a sight called GOBLE's that have a lot of dicontinued bullets. One is in Canada and the other is in England. The one in England is the bigger of the two and they are very freindly and go out of their way to help. They could not find any but did tell me someone from the USA had bought the last 4 boxes they had a little over a year ago. DUH!! Nosler quit making their's in 2002 and Sierra only makes their's for Federal to load the 7-30 Waters Vital Shock. Will not sell to the public and I really turned on the charm but to no avil. Hornday does not make the 120gr. single shot pistol anymore and Sierra quit the 130gr.ssp also. All the info I read and the experience I had last year with 120gr. Sierra Sp the 7-30 does not quite have the FPS for these harder jackets to open on broadside shots as they are designed to hold together for higher velocities. When I called Nosler to ask if they had any FN's laying around with dust they advised me after a lengthly conversation that the 120Gr.Ballistic Tip hunting bullet is designed to open quickly and hold together at speeds from 1600 to 3000 muzzle vel. Also Speer has come out with a 130gr. FN that is called Special Purpose bullet just for the 7-30 Waters rifles. Mid South Realoders Supplies has just started to sell these bullets. I bought a box of each today and will be letting you all know how they shoot.

If anyone has .284 Nosler's 120gr. FP part# 28121 please e-mail me if you would like to sell them.
Thanks Benny::confused:

08-15-2007, 10:37 AM
Sometimes you need to be lucky instead of good.


$14.55 per 50


08-17-2007, 11:38 AM
Ah, Benny, you just might want to put Harley in the barn in about 6 weeks, unless you need a brand new family pet. :D

08-17-2007, 09:46 PM
Thanks Good Ol Boy for the site. Sorry I've been gone for a couple days. Been loading and shooting the 125gr. Ballistic Tips from Nosler and my barrel loves this bullet. Only boat tail SP this thing has ever shot and not to picky about the powder either. Handloading will never cease to amaze me. I thought IMR 3031 was the key but with this bullet still seated 5ths of the lands 4895,4064,AA2460,&748 all shoot pretty equal. If it messes up its me. Like I said reloading can be aggravating but for the most part fun and enjoyable, espescially when you find a sweet spot. Again thanks for all your help. Oh by the way Ed "Harley" was taken off to a Boy Scout camp you can see the Mts. in the background of his pic. 36'000 acres to roam. A friend of mine that goes to church with me works for the state game comm. and he took him away because he got a little hard to handle. In velvet was a huge 6 pointer with no brow tines and a good 6 inches past his ears. Could not get close enough to measure. He was all buck but fun while it lasted.

Thanks again