View Full Version : Ruger Hawkeye .223

08-19-2007, 02:33 PM
The new Ruger Hawkeye Rifle in .223 has a rifling twist of 1:9 in lieu of 1:12 as with the Mk II and many other rifles. I realize this twist will accomodate heavier bullets, but what about the lighter 40-50 gr bullets ?

Regards, Vic

08-19-2007, 03:48 PM
If it acts anything like my AR-15 it will over-spin them and they'll wobble horribly. I tried 55gr in it right after I got it and couldn't hold a group worth a damn. Mine seems to like 65gr and up.

08-19-2007, 07:47 PM
The rule is that you can go over the ideal spin rate more and matain accuracy than you can go under it. My AR has a 9 twist and I loaded up some bargen basement 55 gn. bullets in it and fired 1 5 shot group with them. The group was .700 at 100 yrds. and since the ammo is for off hand shooting at running coyotes I figured it was better than I could hold and didn`t even try to work up and accuracy load. 1 hint I might make, is to load your ammo as long as you can and still get it to feed through your magizine relibaly. This give you less bullet jump and usually helps with accuracy.

08-19-2007, 08:22 PM
I guess I should have mentioned that these were factory loads, not handloads.