View Full Version : Beretta choke tube question

08-26-2007, 10:27 PM
Last year, while perusing the racks at one of the local gun stores, I happened upon a used Beretta 390 in 20 gauge at a ridiculously low price.

Unfortunately, it only came with one choke tube--full. I would like to purchase additional choke tubes for it.

My question is, do ALL Beretta 20 gauges use the same choke tubes, or are they model specific?


08-27-2007, 02:15 AM
When you go to the gun shop or Basspro or whatever take the one choke you have with you. Make sure that the one you buy looks the same. As to the Beretta chokes the 20 ga 390 used a choke called a mobile choke.

08-27-2007, 09:21 PM
So simple, yet I never thought of that. Thanks

08-27-2007, 10:39 PM
Yep, the older Beretta guns used Mobil chokes, while the newer ones use the Optima choke tube. The difference is extremely evident just upon looking at them. The Optima tubes are about an inch longer and the threading on the Optima tubes is longer. The 390 uses the older Mobil chokes (i.e., shorter tubes with less threads).

09-07-2007, 05:16 AM
Two more bits of info that might help; The Beretta and Benelli chokes interchange, so if you find a Benelli mobil choke it is also a Beretta mobil choke. Second, Briley and Brownells both have the Mobil chokes in stock so you do not need to go trucking around town.