View Full Version : Another mossberg question.

08-31-2007, 08:34 AM
Well I am still enamored of the idear of pickin up a now pump 20. I have SEVERAl questions.

1. For Turkey does the gun being camo really help out? I am looking at several version right now so now is the time I ahve to decide on that.

2. I am looking at the 500 Pump Action TURKEY 54241 20 3" PORTED 6 24" VR ADJ. FO XX-FULL 44 1/4" 14 1/2" 1 1/2" 2 1/8" MO NEW BREAK-UP SYNTHETIC 7 1/4 LBS $364.00 listed on mossbergs site. How LOUD is porting going to make this bad boy, AND can more chokes be used in it (It only says XX-FULL it doesn't say if it has a choke tube system in it so I can order other chokes)

3. The main problem that I have is I don't need turkey sights etc. Don't really want them. The gun I REALLY like is the one that wal-mart WAS carrying, BUT it is not available in a camo job. 500 ALL-PURPOSE field 50136 20 3" CUT CHECKERING 6 26" VR TWIN BEAD ACCU-SET 45 1/2" 13 7/8" 1 1/2" 2 3/8" BLUE WOOD 7 LBS $316.00 on their sight. I can always get a ported turkey choke cor it but I don't know if I can get a camo stock set for it or not, and even then I would still have a blued barrel and receiver.

I will be using the gun I buy for skeet, trap, squirrel, dove, quail, turkey, deer, and rabid mongoose. . . . . sorry had to add that.

Any ideas?


08-31-2007, 09:35 AM
Buy the gun you really want, and if a turkey or two gets away because of the non-camo finish, then you can think about having the entire gun camo dipped down the road. Dipping it costs about $150 and it covers the entire gun. I'm eventually going to have by SBE camo dipped as the finish has started to wear off after 9 years of use.

08-31-2007, 11:15 AM
And for 150$ you can buy a ton of camo tape ;)
I don't know if the camo is critical- I do think a shiny high polished blue needs to be covered, some way or other.
I would be very reluctant to buy a fixed choke shotgun these days- choke tubes are just too darn useful. I suspect, tho, that the turkey gun is choke tubed (mine is)- what they are saying is that it comes with the x tra full, and maybe not the usual IC, modified, and full chokes.
No experience with porting, but, given the relatively low pressure of shotguns compared to rifles or big handguns, I suspect shotgun porting isn't going to increase the noise a lot.

08-31-2007, 11:52 AM
Shotgun porting doesn't increase the sound, yea right, only if your the poor slob standing next too it.
Have a buddy who's duck gun broke and he brought his sporting clays gun. (ported) I had the misfortune to be next to him in the blind. Not only is it loud but in the early morning low light the flames across your face is just a little unnerving. Hell, it scared the bejesus out of me. I actually used my ear plugs that day, and when I'm trying to use a call that makes it difficult.
We also have a couple who shoot Mossberg 500 turkey guns at the trap range. The combination of porting and short barrel length really really is noticable to all but the shooter. BOOM

08-31-2007, 12:08 PM
The fore stock on the model 500 is usually fairly noisy and the old ones only have a single bar on one side of the pump. Might check that out on the purchase gun's in question.

For 365 dollars a lot of 870 wing-masters are available used and everyone (including mossberg) makes barrels and choke tubes for them. Rock solid, inexpensive, unable to be shot out, the 870 has it's advantages. Look at this 125 dollar version at gun's America.


That would leave about 240 dollars left over to buy aftermarket barrels and choke tubes and a good cantilever fully rifled slug barrel. like this one.


08-31-2007, 01:36 PM
Well GOB, Unless you got your heart set on Mossberg, I'd have to side with jmarriott on the 870 for the versatility you have planned. The more common a good shotgun is, the more stuff that is available for it, like that cantilevered slug barrel, throw a scope on and your deer hunting, put the field barrel on, w/a choke set, and you got birds and clays covered.

And, you know, everybody ought to have an 870, mighty fine shotgun, Waidmannsheil, Dom.

08-31-2007, 08:51 PM
Not thanks on the 870. I shot my buddy's and didn't like it one bit. Then again, I have never shot a Mossberg, so I cannot compare the two. However, the 870 does have a million accessories available for it.

Regarding porting, I agree with TJ on it. I never knew it was that loud until I shot clays with a guy with a ported gun. I had my own ported gun, but had no idea how loud it was. When the other guy fired his ported gun, it was so loud that I thought the gun was broken or he was shooting some insane shells. Turned out to be nothing more than the porting.


The camo tape just doesn't look as good as the camo dip. Plus, the camo tape doesn't help to prevent rust. You are not allowed to talk to my wife because she would go the tape route too. LOL

09-01-2007, 08:59 PM
I promise not to tell your wife but.............. there is a cloth tape available that will allow oil to be applied over the top, it comes off without the usual sticky residue and is easy to apply. I used it on my old M1 Benelli and left it on the whole season no problems.
Now with that said, I can't remember where I got it and/or it's name and Mfg. so I guess me buying the SBE II in shadow grass probably was a good idea.
If I remember right I even used it to camo the outboard... wish I could remember, it was good stuff.

09-01-2007, 10:32 PM
Sorry, Fabs, ;) hope your wife didn't read that.
As far as accessories for a pump shotgun, there are tons of 'go fasters' out there for both the 870 and the Mossberg 500- counting which gun had more accessories available would take a long, long time.

09-02-2007, 08:11 AM
I would pick up the gun that fit me best in my price range. I am not that big of a Mossberg fan, but that is my personal preference. Does the 26" come in full camo? If so I am pretty sure you can pick up the Turkey barrel for it or get the turkey gun and then pick up a 26" or 28" in camo.

09-02-2007, 05:25 PM
I got a mossberg combo for my younger son last week in 20 gauge i had him busting clays on the second round today.
If you were to ask him it is the best gun in the world.
The function was great and easy for a lefty to youse.
The only thing i could compain is it come with a mod choak only i like imp for grouse and rabbits.
Dunhams was running a sale on it and i picked it up.

09-02-2007, 07:40 PM
Originally posted by Jack
No experience with porting, but, given the relatively low pressure of shotguns compared to rifles or big handguns, I suspect shotgun porting isn't going to increase the noise a lot.

Take fair warning, if you are ever around anyone shooting a ported shot gun or a rifle with a boss, if you value your hearing wear protection.

I bought a used 835 and paid almost the same $$$ as I could have bought a new one in the box to keep away from having a ported barrel.

One day I had to get between two brothers in the marsh to keep a fight from happening. One of them made a safe shot but due to the porting blast of the 835 the other brother thought he had shot just inches from his head. I had a hard time convincing the now near deaf one the shot was entirely safe.

In another instance a buddy was standing next to a guy out west when he made 3 shots to put an antelope down with a bossed rifle. The shooter had never shot the rifle with out protection before that day. He threw the gun on the ground and said he would never shoot it again due to the blast. My buddy could hardly hear for 3 days.

I to would not buy a shot gun with a fixed choke any more. Screw in chokes makes the gun so much more versitile. I would check with some dealers as I am sure you can beat the listed price on Mossbergs site. I am sure that therer are screw in choke barrels for 500's

09-03-2007, 12:39 PM
I paid 300 for the sons and it has a screw in choke just the slug barrel has the porting.
Right now is when you starte seeing sales here on guns best deals on new guns start sep and oct here the big chains start running them.

09-04-2007, 08:37 AM
My source at the local wally-world has assured me that the mossy 20 all purpose field I was looking for will be back in stock by saturday noon, and should still be the $209 price I spotted before. I will be waiting when they unload that truck.



09-04-2007, 03:41 PM
I have always wondered if you could fill those dang ports with some sort of epoxy to get rid of the porting blast?

09-04-2007, 04:13 PM
multi I am real lucky no ports on the all purpose field model in the 20 guage! WOOT


09-24-2007, 11:35 PM
I have had really good luck with the two Mossbergs I have. Very dependable, and great price to boot.