View Full Version : Where can person shoot prarie dogs?

08-31-2007, 03:03 PM
Are there public lands in the Kansas, Colorado, etc to shoot PDs? When I lived in Wyoming a hundred years ago we shot at a ranch that a friend worked on.

One of my co-workers wants to shoot some PDs and I don't know what the situation is there anymore.

We live in the Bootheel of Missouri so anywhee we go is gonna be a long drive....

09-04-2007, 10:34 AM
First, there is not enough public land in eastern CO, that has prairie dogs on it, to build a phone booth on. So if that is your direction plan on knocking on doors and forget public land. Western KS will be pretty much the same but there are pockets of walkin access public areas....you'll need a map and their DOW can send that to you. No clue about Wyoming other than what I hear on the net...no doubt the best bet for public land.

09-04-2007, 08:54 PM
You shouldn't have a hard time finding any farmer letting you kill prarie dogs on his land as long as he doesn't have cattle in the pasture or near it. I grew up killing them and never had a farmer turn me down without good reason.

09-05-2007, 02:31 PM
Kansas is your closest bet. Call some western KS county offices and ask them they can probably help you.

I am taking a fellow forum member from IL next weekend and he is driving 1000 miles.

No clue where Boothell is either........