View Full Version : Dove season opener was a bust !

09-02-2007, 06:34 AM
Well, yesterday was basically a bust...there were not many birds to begin with and the occasional single or double that did fly followed flight paths along treelines, etc, that did not include my location in a cut section of a corn field.

Got up at 5:30 in the morning, met my party, drove 100 miles down to this particular farm, got there at 9:30am to try and get a good spot and had to fight for parking space even though the season didn't open until noon...must have been 150-200 people there yesterday.

After sitting in a bad location for hours with other shooters 40-50 yards around me in all directions, I shot at a total of 5 high flying doves out of plain frustration, streamed a lot of feathers off of one and he glided down into corn 100yards away, didn't touch a hair on the other four.

Anyhow, got down and back without any wrecks or tickets, and it was good just to get the hunting season started...

Mr. 16 gauge
09-02-2007, 08:47 AM
Sorry to hear that you had a poor opener, but look at the bright side.....at least you HAVE a dove season!
Here in Michigan, our chance for a dove season was soundly defeated by antihunting forces two years ago.:(

09-02-2007, 02:04 PM
I've heard aout that during that past couple years on various ML forums...I'm really very sorry to hear it...are there any state level hunting organizations that could somehow galvanize a grass roots effort to try and get it restored?

If you've dove hunted you know how boring it is waiting for legal shooting time to start (noon here)...I was just inside a row of corn waiting, decide to snap a few pics...


Mr. 16 gauge
09-02-2007, 07:04 PM
MIchigan has never really had a dove season....there were a few off and ons, where we tried to have the DNR institute a season and then it would be shut down by some liberal judge after the antis pitched a fit!
Back in 1995, there was a referendum on the ballot to allow sound scientific management by the DNR in order to establish season, bag limits, ect. The DNR decided that MI hunters were loosing hunting opportunites by not being allowed to hunt doves in their home state, and established a season......the antis freaked, and got a judge to block the season. Another judge said in order for it to be on the ballot, the antis had to get X number of signatures, which they did.....and they did it by lying (doves are only used for target practice, they aren't eaten, they are endangered, ect.). At no time did any prohunting organization step in and show the general population what the antis were up to!
As election day neared, there were quite a few antidove hunting commercials on the tube and the radio( one even featured a dude who claimed to be a deer hunter, and he wouldn't shoot a little dove), but NOT ONE that was pro dove hunting......the major deer hunting organizations in MI didn't feel it was worth their time. MUCC, which pushed for the season, didn't do anything but give lip service....no money was spent on any commercials to confront the anti's lies!:mad:
Now it is pretty much considered a dead issue; I have since let my membership with MUCC expire, as they obviously don't have my best interest at heart, and the next time some deer hunting organization wants my support, the can kiss my ass!
At any rate, that's a cool pic of your muzzleloader.....hopefully your next pic will have a few doves to go with it!;)

09-04-2007, 09:35 AM
My early goose hunting was a disrupted by a group of shooters (4-5 based on the numerous shots fired) so my early scouting trips were educational but not productive. On to plan B.

Only saw a few doves nothing I could reach. But, I did get to dress up again.


09-04-2007, 11:19 AM
Lookin' pretty sharp there Ruger, nice outfit. Both you and Roundball got some nice looking Flints there.

Mr 16 Ga, I agree with you and am on your side, I followed as best I could the issue and voted by Absentee. Was really disappointed by all the garbage put out and that the cityslickers ate it up, and that the high population areas could control the entire state's dove season. Pathetic. Still makes me angry thinking about it.

Guess there's two things I gotta do yet, get to a state with a dove season, and shoot with a ML!! May you all enjoy many days afield with your frontstuffers and dove seasons, Waidmannsheil, Dom.

Adam Helmer
09-04-2007, 02:03 PM

You look like you just left the polling place after voting for Andrew Jackson in 1828. Nice outfit!

Welcome to this Forum and thanks for posting your picture.
