View Full Version : What .22 cal. bullets are you guys useing???
09-07-2007, 10:33 AM
I`m useing the 80 gn. Seirra MK bullets right now with pretty good luck. I tried the Hornady 75 HP`s and blew them appart. I have some Hornady A-Max 80 gn. , which Hornady said woukd be border line on holding together, and some Berger 80 gn bullets comeing. I can put them to 3,600 fps. and am useing an 8 twist so it take a well made bullet to hold together. I built the rifle for coyote so I`m wanting them to expand after they get there. Not asking for much am I.
09-07-2007, 12:54 PM
I shoot 55 grain Balistic tips out of the .223. A-max's shoot pretty good also.
You must be shooting a swift or some other wildcat if you're getting those velocities on 75 or 80 grainers?
I really have never found a need to switch from the Balistic Tips. They seem to shoot pretty solid and I even got a couple groundhog kills out to 500 yards with this load. (502 was my longest). I don't like shooting those 22's at that distance since you can't see the bullet impact. I like something that makes a crater when she hits, so I can tell if I have my windage right.
Besides, it's a solid 350 yard gun. Just depends on where and what I'm hunting when I break it out. Fun and fast to load. I primarily shoot 748 powder out of mine.
11-05-2008, 03:20 PM
I use the 75 gr Hornady A Max molly in my 22-250 AI, 7-1 twist gun. I keep the Hornadys at 3,000 - 3,010 fps which matches the trajectory of the 50 BMG round. I was using a scope with 50 BMG bullet cam, until I found that the scope mounts could not be counted upon from field trip to trip. I bought the scope for the cam system.
11-05-2008, 10:06 PM
Originally posted by Catfish
I`m useing the 80 gn. Seirra MK bullets right now with pretty good luck. I tried the Hornady 75 HP`s and blew them appart. I have some Hornady A-Max 80 gn. , which Hornady said woukd be border line on holding together, and some Berger 80 gn bullets comeing. I can put them to 3,600 fps. and am useing an 8 twist so it take a well made bullet to hold together. I built the rifle for coyote so I`m wanting them to expand after they get there. Not asking for much am I.
Sounds like you are shooting a 22-250AI.
I have hit Coyotes near and far with Sierra 80 grainers and have never had them expand. But that bullet does kill them.
If the Berger VLD's are anything like their big brothers they might expand. I haven't tried any yet though.
My rifle is a Savage SS with a Douglas A/G Barrel, 1>8 twist, 26". I also have one in 1>12 twist. When those warm up I switch over to the 19 Calibers, Badger, Hornet and 19-223. And when they get hot I switch to the T/C 223.
Sometimes you find a target rich environment. :)
A while back I started using Blue Dot Powder in the 223 and am impressed with the results. For close range work, out to 300 yds they are great loads, accurate, shoot cool.
Best wishes, Bill
11-06-2008, 05:04 AM
"I have hit Coyotes near and far with Sierra 80 grainers and have never had them expand. But that bullet does kill them."
In my part of the country we have a problem with deer destroying crops. With application the state will issue predation permits to eradicate the deer. The carcas must be given to a charity orginization or municipality functionary. I have two friends that have a permit for 90 deer per year. They shoot on two peanut fields and max the permit every year. The process is cumbersom, but it does allow a way to protect food crops from destruction.
Both shoot .224 bolt guns with fast twist barrels and both use the 80gr Sierra. According to them it never takes more than one shot and the longest shot was 834 yards. The shot they use to illustrate the 80gr effectiveness is an 800 yard shot on a deer, chest on. The 80gr bullet went in center chest and out the rear, traveling the full length of the deer. The deer dropped like it was struck by lightning.
I have talked to the folks at Sierra and they tell me that a lot of folks are using the 80 for deer but as it is a target bullet they do not or can not reccomend it for deer hunting. However, even they are astounded by how effective the 80 is at long distance on game of all kinds.
11-13-2008, 08:43 PM
i think that gota be 22/6mm or something.
i think a swift or improved swift wont even make 3400 with 80s
curious aswell what the case is
11-14-2008, 03:40 PM
Since the origanal post I`ve put alot of round down the tube and get my best accuracy at at abt. 3,350. I hit 1 running coyote in the rear at 314 yrds. and open a 4 to 5 in. hole in her belly. One 3 shot group came in at abt. .25 moa at 600 yrds. The gun is a .22- 6mm on a Savage action, and I love it.
Ridge Runner
11-15-2008, 07:11 AM
wildcat bullets makes some heavy for caliber uld hunting bullets in 22 cal, I know he makes 80,85,90, and 100 gr match grade hunting bullets.
He is located in alberta canada, here is a link.
11-16-2008, 04:31 PM
Thanks Ridge Runner, I book market him. May give him a try.
11-17-2008, 03:04 PM
90 gr berger vld should do nicely on deer and dogs.
ive been thinkn off rebareling to 220 impr with a 1/7 tube. but thats probly 10 years down the rd.
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