View Full Version : How do you decide on your carry ammo?

Mr. 16 gauge
09-07-2007, 05:49 PM
How do you decide to carry what you carry in your sidearm? Do you follow the axiom of "I carry what my local PD uses", or do you go by statistics of actual shootings, or do you do some testing on your own? What factors determine what ammo you use?

I have done some testing on water jugs packed with surgical sponges...I line 'em up, shoot at them, note how deep the various rounds penetrated, then cut them open and note how well (or not so well) the expanded. I have had good luck with Winchester's silver tip ammo in various calibers, as well as the Speer GDHP. Low on my list were Remington's Golden Saber HP (although I do like it as a reloading component....then I can get it to expand!). Here are a few pics of the loads I have tested.





I realize that these 'tests' aren't very scientific, unless...of course....you are attacked by a jug of water soaked surgical sponges!;) However, they do give a basis for comparison.

09-07-2007, 10:08 PM
great pics, i saw some stuff their that is really interesting, to see the corbons come apart like that is of interest to me i always wonder when the exact same bullet varies when shot at the same stuff. but no two shots are the same.
what i look for is a bullet like those remingtons or the gold dots you show below, something that shot after shot looks consistent. speer gold dots i am told are designed per caliber. not just one bullet in different sizes. with my most recent purchase the way i settled on a bullet was as follows 1. i am a member on a site that is nothing but handgun die hards, i read up and ask questions, they have performed test that i am not capable of. just like with anything else if you read and ask enough questions you will notice certain bullets get mentioned more than others. oh and if you can open ammolab.com they used to do the real scientific stuff but i have trouble with the page lately. 2. after i narrow it down to a few i go buy them, i narrowed to 3 bullets and three boxes of defense loads cost me 45 bucks for 75 bullets. and another thing i shy away from +P stuff that is just personal preference. 3. after you narrow to good reputation bullets all that matters is that they cycle and that they group well. ( i went with golden sabers.

09-08-2007, 07:20 AM
Most shooters worry way too much about this topic!

I use any of the regular brands with a load that has a good reputation, and don't try to find the "Mythical Best."

In a .38 revolver, any of the 158 SP or HP will do for me.

In the semi-auto's, I use any of the FMJ.

I usually practice with "sale ammo."

As a non-LEO, chances are something like 1 in 100,000 that we will ever need to actually shoot anyone.

One of my hunting partners is/has been a police officer for 26 years -- he doesn't even carry off-duty.



Adam Helmer
09-08-2007, 01:58 PM
Mr. 16 gauge,

Thanks for your investigation and sharing the results and photos with us. Most of us just load up and go about our business. Did you test any FMJ ammo?

I understand even .45 ACP 230 grain Ball is not really very effective. It follows, the 9mm Ball is even less effective, as I hear from returning Iraq veterans. I use Silvertips in my 9mm semi-autos and Federal JHPs in the .45s.
