View Full Version : My Vixen does it again

09-09-2007, 09:42 AM
A month into bear season and I finally got a shot at a teddy. I've had a large bear hitting my bait but last night I spooked him on the way into my stand. A little over half an hour later the little guy that's been hitting came waltzing in and I figured since the big guy was being incooperative I may as well take the little guy.

A week ago I moved my stand and this little guy walked in right under the tree my stand use to be in. He didn't give me a shot on the way through the clearing then promptly decided it was time to play acrobat on the bait pole. He climbed the tree, grabbed onto the bait pole and hung from the pole, swinging back and forth like a kid on monkey bars, for about five minutes. Once he'd had his fun he grabbed the bag and lowered it to the ground.

He grabbed a hunk of meat and made himself comfy in the tall grass while he munched, then decided he'd like some more. On his way back to the bag he finally gave me a good broadside shot, his mistake.

When the bolt hit him he spun around and stopped and looked back at his side with this :confused: look on his face, kind wondering what the heck. He took a couple steps, faltered, took a couple more steps, stopped again, then he decided it was time to run. He didn't make it far. After two or three more steps he was down, fifteen yards from the bait. The bolt severed the arteries above his heart and went through both lungs.

He's a little guy weighing in at 118 pounds, but he's got a nice thick hide and he'll be good eating. :D


Unfortunately our bear population has grown so fast in the last few years that the little guys far out number the big guys. But we'll get back into the 300lb class next year maybe. :)

09-09-2007, 10:27 AM
Wonderful, Ice Queen!

Dan Morris
09-09-2007, 11:17 AM
My congrats!

09-09-2007, 01:27 PM
He has a big head in the pic for a 118 pound bear i was wondering how your bear seasen was going i have not hunted bears for a few years.
By the way how is your tracking dog comeing along?

09-09-2007, 02:24 PM
Waidmannsheil Icequeen! Dom.

09-09-2007, 06:23 PM
Congratulations! :)

09-09-2007, 08:48 PM
Thanks everyone! :D

wrenchman... i haven't really had much time for training in the last couple of years but I put her on a bear trail a month ago and she was on it like glue til she lost it. We were pretty sure the guy had missed but since we couldn't find any kind of trail I took Catria out with us. We put her on the trail right at the bait (there was no blood of any kind) and the guy said she was following exactly where the bear had gone after he shot. She followed the trail for over 100 yards, then lost it, but it had been really wet the night before and had just stopped raining when we left the house.

After she lost the trail, on a large rock out cropping, I got her to try a few different trails leading off the rock but she only went a little ways before she stopped and started winding the air. I'd get her to come back to me on the rock and try another. I'm sure she was on the right track but with all the rain the scent was washed away, specially since he'd missed (we know that for sure now) and there was no blood to leave a decent trail.

ps... I have another one to tell ya bout later, after it gets outa the bush and get some pics. Weeeeeee!!!!!! :D

09-12-2007, 06:04 PM
Yeeehawww...one up fer the HC wimmen!
Nice lookin bear Icequeen....we're gonna have to show up the fellas this year...I got 2 weeks to go and bow season is here fer deer...then it's Lilred's turn ;):p

09-12-2007, 08:23 PM
for sure...we're headed south for bow season for deer the second week of October...

good luck! i expect to see a nice rack with you sittin beside it real soon... and I'll give it a good go at gettin at least one myself. :D

09-14-2007, 08:30 PM
Congrats Karen. You and Lilred just continue to post pictures of your critters and the rest of us will sit back and enjoy.:D