View Full Version : New to CCW, need advice

09-09-2007, 10:43 AM
Hello There!
I'll be taking my CCW course next weekend and have been looking at some pistols. I really like the SIg P229 Equinox or the P220 Match. Now are these easy to conceal? are these a good option for my first CCW? Any suggestions will be greatly appreciate it.

Adam Helmer
09-09-2007, 05:04 PM

Welcome to this Forum; I see this is only your 5th post. Many good folks will give you the advice you need. First, we need more information.

What handgun experience have you had? What is your CCW concern? In other words, how will you carry and why? SIGs are nice guns, are you familiar with the safties and decocking levers, etc.?

If you do not have much handgun experience, will you strive to get in some practice drawing and shooting from your CCW carry mode before the gravest extreme occurs? Semi-autos are nice guns and require a lot of practice. I tend to recommend revolvers as FIRST CCW guns for people with limited handgun experience.

Again, welcome to this site.


09-17-2007, 11:11 AM
I carry a Kahr PM-9. Great gun, easy to conceal, hard to shoot. Recoil is brisk, sight radius is short, but, with some practice you will learn to love it, I did.

Also available in 40 S&W, WOW! RECOIL in spades, not for me... the 9m/m will be fine thank you.

I carry it with Corbon 115 grain XPB ammo.

Calif Hunter
09-17-2007, 03:30 PM
I got my CCW about a year ago - the Orange County Sheriff will actually issue you one! I found out, though, that I really should have gotten a true lightweight handgun. I have a Commander .45 ACP that I use as my "car" or briefcase gun, a Springfield XD-9 sub-compact and a Taurus M-85 stainless .38 snubbie. They all get heavy and awkward in light clothing, no belt and getting in and out of the car a lot. I want an alloy frame, hammerless or shrouded .38 snubby that I can just drop in my pocket. Maybe even a little .32 or .25 auto.

Even 10 rounds of 9mm adds up fast, and an extra mag is that much more.

Andy L
09-17-2007, 04:24 PM
I sincerely hate to admit this, since Treedoc wears it. I bought Thunderwear and its the best concealment system hands down I have ever tried. And I got a pile of holsters. Even with jeans, relaxed fit, there is little to no printing and very comfortable.

As far as a carry gun, I would worry more about what type gun you shoot well. Stay as compact as you can comfortably. (for instance baby glocks do not fit my hands and the extended mags just plain suck, so they are out for me) Carry as much gun as you can comfortably. (although I carry a Bobcat 22lr for a backup most of the time)

My favorites so far are the Taurus PT145. 10+1 cap in 45ACP.

Also, I like my Charter Arms Bulldog Pug in 44Spl. Lighter, shoots great, but only 5 cap.


10-10-2007, 06:56 PM
Would a Beretta 92 or 96 work in "Thunderwear"???

10-11-2007, 05:10 PM
I want two of these one for each hand. Small, powerful, accurate but no longer in production. Get them while you still can.


10-14-2007, 10:34 AM
I think Adam is on the right track. Your first carry gun should be simple and safe. I, too, recommend revolvers to most people who ask for such recommendations. However, if you find the thinner, semi-auto too much to resist, consider double action only (DOA).

Remember, the best carry gun is the one you have with you should it ever be needed. Too large a gun will likely end-up in the safe at home.

For revolvers, consider a S&W Model 38, 649 or 442.
There are many DOA semi's available, but don't overlook the Kel-Tec P-3AT or P-40. Any one of the revolvers above can be purchased, used, for less than $350. The Kel-Tec even less.