View Full Version : First handgun

09-09-2007, 10:19 PM
I would like to get my first handgun soon and am debating which kind to get. I would like to get something low recoil, accurate, and ,would like to put a good scope on it. What are my options?

09-10-2007, 12:13 AM
Ruger MKII

09-10-2007, 06:48 AM
yes mark II goverment model target 6 7/8 was my very first purchase as a handgun.

09-10-2007, 07:45 AM
What do you want to use it for? & What handgun calibers have you shot?

Adam Helmer
09-10-2007, 07:48 AM

We could use a bit more information. What do you plan to use your handgun for? If you plan to hunt with the gun, are semi-autos legal for hunting. If you just want to target shoot, then I agree a Ruger Mark II is a good gun to start with.


09-10-2007, 08:01 AM
very sound advice from all. Another thing that is worth mentioning... Even if you plan on getting a handgun that is large enough to hunt with, find a shooting range/friend/etc. that has a .22 lr you can rent, borrow, or whatever to get some decent shooting time in with before stepping up to something bigger. I'd advise starting out with the ruger 22 as well.


09-10-2007, 10:27 AM
It depends on what you want to use it for. The 22s mentioned are good guns, however I have noticed a tendency in new pistol owners to blow through cases of ammo in semi autos. In revolvers it takes longer to reload and new revolver ownsers TEND to take more time and burn less ammo.

Just my opinion. A good Ruger revolver in just about any caliber under the sun would serve you well. By the way if not set on 22 consider 357 mag. Why? You can hunt and use it for defense in 357 mag, and you can load MUCH cheaper 38 specials in it for an enjoyable day of plinking at the range.

My 2 cents.


09-10-2007, 12:04 PM
Mini... it depends on what you want.. a revolver or semi?

I expect that you already have your restricted PAL, and the handgun will have to be registered.

I also expect that you know you can only use it at the range, and CANNOT use it for hunting or any other purpose than target shooting.

Now.. with a revolver in the light recoil a .38 special or any rim fire would fit the bill.

For a semi.. the 9mm is prob the best bet.. the .380 auto, and .40S&W would not be bad choices either.

09-10-2007, 12:06 PM
Originally posted by GoodOlBoy
In revolvers it takes longer to reload and new revolver ownsers TEND to take more time and burn less ammo.

GOB... I go through as much or more ammo in my single six than my .40S&W semi. lol.... I can get just as many shots of with the single action as the auto... just more fun. .lol

Adam Helmer
09-10-2007, 12:33 PM

Thanks for your Canadian gun law input to this subject.

Would you mind telling us what a "Restricted PAL" is? Are you saying there is no handgun hunting allowed in Canada? Is CCW allowed 24/7 with a license?

I suspect we Yanks would be impressed with your current handgun laws.


09-10-2007, 02:23 PM
Adam, in Canada we can only use a handgun on an approved firearms range for target shooting. We can only get a CCW under special circumstances (very rare only a handful are issued each year). Also there is no handgun hunting allowed at all. Trappers can sometimes get a licence to use one during regular trapping operations (again fairly rare).

As for the restricted PAL. as you may already know, in Canada you have to have a licence to purchase or own a rifle or handgun. To get this licence you have to take a course & test or challenge the test. The application is your background check etc. Once you have this licence you can go and purchase a rifle (or shotgun) and take it home shortly there after (once it is registered)

Now to explain the best I can the restriced PAL... handguns & certain long guns (such as the AR-15) are restricted in Canada, meaning can only own for target shooting at approved ranges.

It is a pain, but there will be no changes to the handgun laws in the near future, since they have been mostly in place since the '20's. There is worry that there may be a complete ban on handguns if we can't keep the current political party in power, if the liberals get in there will be in trouble.

If you would like to know some more, feel free to ask, or stop by this web site
link (http://www.cfc-cafc.gc.ca/default_e.asp)

Adam Helmer
09-10-2007, 02:32 PM

Many thanks for the information.
