Adam Helmer
09-11-2007, 07:46 PM
I was recently fixing up my "frog pond" in the small creek below the barn. Since I have no resident beavers, I was piling rocks and mud in an arc to create a pond about the size of my pickup truck to aid the fish therein. I put on my hip boots and stood in the shallow water digging and packing mud when I hit a large rock. I dug it up and was about to put it on the breastwork of the dam when I noticed the 7.5 lb. rock had an edge!
Since I am president of my county historical society, I took the rock to the next monthly meeting for analysis. Several members of the board are historians in their own right. The stone axe is about 3,000-4,000+/- years old according to an archeologist who made an offer to buy the stone artifact. I will try to post a picture of my find that is designated to be donated to the county historical society for perpetutity to enjoy.
An archeologist from the nearby university examined the stone axe and the Indian religious stone pile site on the upper field of my farm. Yes, this is a "Back in Time" event that I wanted to share with the good folks here.
Since I am president of my county historical society, I took the rock to the next monthly meeting for analysis. Several members of the board are historians in their own right. The stone axe is about 3,000-4,000+/- years old according to an archeologist who made an offer to buy the stone artifact. I will try to post a picture of my find that is designated to be donated to the county historical society for perpetutity to enjoy.
An archeologist from the nearby university examined the stone axe and the Indian religious stone pile site on the upper field of my farm. Yes, this is a "Back in Time" event that I wanted to share with the good folks here.