View Full Version : Lilred's Rant of the Week-Ruger

09-12-2007, 06:44 PM
OK...before I start..Guns are cool. Rugers are cool.
But when I got the Ruger catalog I laughed. I don't know who writes this stuff fer em...but I have the right to pick on em anyway.
So here goes, I'm gonna pick on the new Ruger catalog.

PG 5: "Nice rifle. Rarely can words ignite a sense of pride in a man like these 2 can" Then they have a paragraph about comaraderie and all that happy crap. It's bout bein a MAN...GRRRR...(flex muscles) testosterone flyin like geese in Sept. Beef up the boys so they'll buy that Ruger. To hell with the women..lmao

PG 9: "In Tazania, you'll hear the phrase Hakuna Matata thrown about regulary. Maybe the folks in that part of Africa have heard about the new Ruger M77 Hawkeye....blah blah blah"
LMAO...ok..when I see that phrase..I don't think of Ruger...I see Lion King. I don't care who you are, man, woman nor beast...if you have kids or have ever heard of a kid, you have heard that song from that movie. Ruger...hakuna matata..lmao

PG 13: Advertisin varmit rifles. There is man on horseback in the pic. He has hounds all round him. Blueticks, redbones, walkers and FOX hounds. He got his cowboy hat on...chaps and sportin that rifle. IN THE DESERT!! LMAO!!! Fox huntin with hounds is NOT about runnin a fox over wide open ground fer miles. Ruger people...if he aint huntin fox...what other varmit is a cowboy in the desert huntin with hounds??? BTW...there are couple of dogs in there that look like pointers.

PG 17: Ruger 10/22...I will say up front that are fine rifles. However...the Compact 10/22 looks like a cheap Marlin rifle. You would think they would seperate themselves fron the pack a little better than that.

PG 21: "Let's face it, hunting dangerous game in Africa isn't for everyone. And not just any rifle will do....etc etc etc..plug Ruger"
I can just see some guy sittin on the couch lookin at this Ruger and thinkin he is God cause they said so.
Well...let me clue those hormones in fer ya...you aint. Cavemen hunted mammoths with rocks, native peoples hunt w/ spears and such. We hunt with guns and you don't need a Ruger to kill it. What you REALLY need is an ace shot to back you up when that lion starts runnin at you full bore and you miss it with that Ruger you got. Hakuna matata....

PG 26: Gold Label sxs....I'll take 2 please

PG 36: Pic of a man. With a pistol. With a scope. In another desert of some sort. He is gittin ready to shoot somethin w/ that pistol....on a tripod. A tripod. You can see 2 miles behind him. Yep, that pistol is surely good at 1000 yrds, right?

PG 41: "You'll get accustomed to the tough guy personna in no time." Cause you missed the lion runnin at you with that Ruger??

I think that maybe there are people out there that git sucked into that "Make me feel like i am king" treatment and assume the gun will actually make you like that. I am not like that...and I think that Ruger needs to realize that most of us aint that easy to sweet-talk. If you wanna make yer guns look cool, tell me just how "hair-like" the LC6 trigger is. They never say that.
Show me what a well-built and reliable gun you make and then I'll bite.

Until then, please think of the poor idgit who got that same catalog, bought that 77, and is now runnin fer his life over in Africa. He'll be ok...he got tough guy personna!


09-12-2007, 08:28 PM
Originally posted by Lilred
So here goes, I'm gonna pick on the new Ruger catalog.

PG 13: Advertisin varmit rifles. There is man on horseback in the pic. He has hounds all round him. Blueticks, redbones, walkers and FOX hounds. He got his cowboy hat on...chaps and sportin that rifle. IN THE DESERT!! LMAO!!! Fox huntin with hounds is NOT about runnin a fox over wide open ground fer miles. Ruger people...if he aint huntin fox...what other varmit is a cowboy in the desert huntin with hounds???

:rolleyes: [/B]

:D :D :D :D :rolleyes:

LILred, How many times have you hunted the western deserts, with, or without dogs?

I think I know the answer to that question, if you think people don't hunt with dogs in the desert! I ran Cougar, Black bear, and bobcats all over the state of New Mexico, and Arizona with black&tans, walkers, and walker/plott mixes for years. The fox, and the coyotes we call in! Hell, and coyote would run a dog to death and never break a sweat! A dog don't need WV trees to hunt, all he needs is his nose, and a mountain lion to follow! :rolleyes:

Now as far as the Ruger catalog goes, I haven't seen it, so I can't say anything for, or against it, But I think you can leave your opinion of page #13 out of your next rant! What cha thank, HOSS?:D

09-12-2007, 08:38 PM

I do love Ruger rifles. Don't care too much for their shotguns or pistols. Anyway, I found your post hilarious, as usual.

09-12-2007, 09:36 PM
Hi Mac,
Aint had the pleasure of meetin yer aquaintence yet so howdy to ya.
Please dont call me Hoss...HossESS maybe..(dam that aint nowhere near a word lol) naw, I aint never hunted no desert. But I've hunted with hounds since I was old enough to walk. That feller in the ad was holdin either a 22 or a 17 (Sorry Sky, not the 10/22 sort...just a bolt 22" barrel). I caint see him huntin mtn lion or bear with that.
Sides...yotes are hard to tree lol...how is he gonna hit a runnin yote w/ that rifle?
Dont git me wrong, I know there are lots of game to hunt in the desert with a hound....but on horseback with a varmit rifle just dont make alot of sense to me. If yer gonna tree somethin...that man could use that pistol w/ the scope & tripod on it...lol

I'll be the first to tell ya (and anybody else on here will tell you the same thing) I will go off like a butane lighter on a wood stove on anybody that gives me a rash bout huntin with hounds. There aint nothin like it in the world....I reckon you'd have to see that pic to see just how out of place it looks...esp to us Southern peoples.
I am sure that there are plenty of diff kinds of huntin w/ hounds...enlighten me!

BTW...the gun in the pic has a big ole scope on it which makes it look even more ridiculous. To me, that advertisement is pert near a disgrace to houndsmen....

09-13-2007, 03:31 PM
Well LilRed, let me introduce myself, since I've only been registered on this site since 2000, so being new here I think it would be a good idea! :D

I'm 71 yrs old, retired, married to my second wife for 46 yrs, and have four kids, the youngest is 44 yrs old, and the oldest is 51 yrs old, and all shoot. I hunt mostly in New Mexico, Arizona, Alaska, Canada,and Africa, and mostly for dangerous game. I've been hunting on my own since the age of six yrs, with slingshot, bow, rifle, shotgun, muzzleloaders, and on bait, spot and stalk, and behind a pack of hounds, for everything from ground sqirrels, to Hippo. I'm a gun collector, and a history buff.

I doubt that anyone here gives a rats ..s about any of that, but at least you know I'm not talking from an armchaire background, though at this age, and poor health, more and more the easy chaire looks comfortable! It is true I don't post here much, since my main interest is in African hunting, and double rifles, and there isn't a lot of that here.

As you, and I both say, I haven't seen the catalog, and can't say one way or the other on the pictures you were talking about, but I didn't need the picture to know that,what seemed to be your preception of dog hunting in the desert, was wrong intirely. To top that off, many lion hunters use 22 mag pistols, and rifles, to shoot treed lions, and the use of horses, and mules to chase hounds in New Mexico, and Arizona, is quite common. I, in fact, use a short barreled side by side double rifle with 18 1/2" barrels chambered for 41 Rem Mag, for treed lion, and bear.

LilRed, I meant no disrespect, by the word "HOSS" that just happens to be common slang in the west, meaning "GROWN MAN", instead of a kid, which here is "SON" !

Like everyone else here, I found your post to be funny as heck, except for the comment on dog hunting in the desert! So if anyone books a lion, or black bear hunt out here with dogs, it is a good idea to get some horseback rideing in before hand, because you will likely be riding an old jug-head! :D The runs can easily go twenty miles, in some rough country!

.....................Peace Brother!:) BYE!

Calif Hunter
09-13-2007, 07:21 PM
Wow - that double .41 mag sounds cool. Having 3 handguns for that round, it is intriguing. Who makes it, or was it a custom item? I'm sure it was very expensive!

It looked to me like lilred is saying she is a woman... Hossess?

09-13-2007, 09:01 PM
Originally posted by SuicidJky
I think what she was trying to say is, she is a grown woman not a man :)

:o :o :o Well sKooze me all to h... ! :D :D :D

In that case MAM, let me appologise for not being able to see you on the net! I guess I need to check everyone's profile before posting to them! Sorry about that!

09-13-2007, 09:38 PM
Originally posted by Calif Hunter
Wow - that double .41 mag sounds cool. Having 3 handguns for that round, it is intriguing. Who makes it, or was it a custom item? I'm sure it was very expensive!

It looked to me like lilred is saying she is a woman... Hossess?

The little rifle was built by me on a little s/s Lurona 20 ga shotgun, that had it's barrels blown at the muzzles by some dope trying to shoot snow out of the barrels! I cut the barrels off just 3" in front of the breach, opened the side of each chamber end of the shot barrels and silver soldered two Shilen 18 1/2" 41 cal barrel blanks in place,after chambering then with the rim flush with face of the barrel end, forming a shoelump connection, regulated the barrels to shoot a good composite group on paper, and layed the ribs, then checked the regulation again, and filed in the express sights from NECG, and that was about it! Then the new extractors were made and fitted, and the barrels rust blued!

Of course it wasn't quite that simple, but you get the idea! It would take a book to explain the whole process.

The cost was $75 bucks for the damaged shotgun, about $425 for the barrel blanks, another $200 for sights, and rib stock, and my time! Under $1000 dollars,for the parts, and my time which was around 200 hours, ready to hunt. Now if you have someone do this work who understands how it is done, then you are looking at around $7K out the door! If you have a double rifle action, JJ Paradoue at Champlins will build you a set of barrels for $7K + ammo for regulating!

09-14-2007, 07:20 AM
You have no need to apologize to me. I expect no special treatment here just because I am womenfolk wth the exception of name callin....lol
