View Full Version : What do you think of these handguns?

09-14-2007, 08:48 AM
Yesterday I stopped bya gun shop just killing a little time and saw two neat new pistols.

First was the S&W Military & Police semi. Anyone shoot or have one of these> I was impressed by the way it looked and handled.

The other was a 5 shot S&W .357 that weighed 12 ozs! It felt lighter than my cell phone. I think it was made of scadnium(?). The clerk said he tried one out. He loaded 5 rounds, shot 2 and unloaded the other 3.:eek: Seemed like a great carry piece though. The price was a little steep though, but as they say, speed cost money.

09-14-2007, 05:45 PM
Go back and tell the clerck I said he was woose. I have a PD 329 which is the .44 mag. of that gun and have no trouble with it and heavy loads. But, then, I also fired 45 rounds of .500 S&W full house loads over sand bag at one setting. I love big handguns. :D The .357 would make a good carry gun because you would not notice the recoil if you were useing it for self defence, and the semi would also make a nice carry gun, easier for most people to shoot, but heaver to carry.

09-15-2007, 11:46 AM
the smith is a nice gun my cousin has it. i love large bore hand cannons too, just not in snubby's. although i agree the clerk is a sissy. oh they kick alright, but something you could think about is the smith 642, its a hammerless 5 shot .38. what you could do is practice with run of the mill .38's and then jack it with +P's for carry . as was said in a hairy situation you wont notice kick but if you cant stand to practice with the gun whats the sense.
btw, the 642 is titanium extremely light and the price is pretty awsome, i see them at 379 and occasionally somebody sneaks one in for about 350.

09-15-2007, 03:36 PM
The snubby 357 under 3 inches have much to much muzzle flash at night for follow-up shots with full 357 loads. I use 357's in the day and 38's at night. Shoot one at night for yourself and see (PUN).