View Full Version : Next June: Argentina: Ducks

09-14-2007, 11:57 PM
I'm heading down to Argentina next June for Duck hunting if anyone is interested in joining us. We will primarily hunt Ducks. Geese are in another area and that will come later. For those that prefer to shoot Doves, Pigeon's and Parakeets (yes, they have them by the millions) that is available as well. You don't have to go in June, but June and July are the prime waterfowl months. Expenses will be airfare to Buenos Aires, daily rates of $300 per day which includes your lodging and meals. Benelli's are available at $20 per day and shells are available at the lodge (it costs $110 in permits to import your own shotgun). There are minor licenses, tax and tips but I will have this in a package price soon. This will be for 5 days of hunting. Argentina has some beautiful species of waterfowl and for those wanting to bring them back for mounting, I am working out the details for importation. Once I get the package deal sorted out, I'll post the details. Email me if you have any questions. Good hunting, grayghost