View Full Version : 30 more days

Dan Morris
09-15-2007, 06:14 PM
Deer season is almost here....spent the day doing yard projects/rolling hoses/winterizing lawn mower etc. Sucking on a Moosehead for a break. Tomorrow, wire the GMC for trailer plug and sort and pack camp totes and general hunting stuff. That ways, all I have to do is load it on Oct 18th.

09-15-2007, 08:25 PM
We're down to two weeks and counting. Went out the other night to do some looking around. We counted well over a hundred deer, but I didn't see many bucks. I was very happy to see numerous Antelope in the area we were in as they have been hard to come by in this area fo about ten years now. I guess we'll find out in two weeks.;)

Dan Morris
09-15-2007, 09:52 PM
Good hunting,bud.Last time I was up in Laramie, goats were every where!

09-15-2007, 10:19 PM
Well you guys have fun. I didn't draw any tags:( Looks like alot of chukar, sage hen, and quail hunting.

Dan Morris
09-15-2007, 10:53 PM
Thanks, hunting buddy...my kid..EMT...has to work that weekend..old goat is gonna go solo....camp kinda looses something! I'll go nuts if I don't go...thus is life! Just trying to come to terms with the fact......despite the youngsters I've taught shooting too.......no one want''s to team up with an ole man!!!LOL.......

09-16-2007, 02:25 AM
Thanks muledeer. I'd almost be willing to trade my tags for your bird hunting.

Dan, I'm just about in the same situation you are. I'm not sure from one minute to the next whether the kid wants to go or not. So guess I'll make plans and if he shows up he shows up.