View Full Version : dare you to break my record this year

09-18-2007, 05:51 AM
last year i took two young hunters out to get there first deer they where not related to me. this year i get to take one out so far. his dad died in the last year. Nothing is more fun than to be sitting beside a young hunter,and watching him or her shoot there first deer. There are many young hunters who would love to go out there. so find them and teach them proper gun and hunting safety i made a small L frame and have attached ballons to it so he can see when he hits his target

Aim to maim
09-18-2007, 11:36 AM
I've only had the good fortune to escort a young hunter when he got his first deer one time, but there have been several others who've gotten their first deer on my land. That is worth more to me than all the deer I've shot there myself.

Good for you and keep up the good work.

09-23-2007, 06:50 PM
I'll be escorting two new kids to hunting this year, and maybe a third. Just have to see how the timing works out on the last one.
One is from the last Hunter Ed class I was involved with.
Paul B.

10-18-2007, 05:53 AM
2 more days and youth day starts. a kid from 10 to 15 gets to shoot any deer here in maine for that day . got the place all picked out for the boy ill put him in the place the rest is up to him. hope fully ill be able to tape it.they say hunters are slowly dropping out of the sport. but there is so many young kids just want to go all we have we to do is take a teach them. i see alot of pppeopel ahve read this i hope they will take the time and take a kid hunting

Andy L
10-18-2007, 07:13 AM
Our youth season opens next weekend. I have my oldest, 13, whos an old pro now. He doesnt need me much anymore to hunt. Then my youngest, 7, this will be his first year. Im excited about that. And, I adopted, for hunting, my oldests best friend at school. He has never had a father, a great kid and a burning desire to hunt. So, hes taking his hunters safety course this weekend and Im taking him as well.

Next weekend should be fun. :cool:

Andy L
10-18-2007, 07:15 AM
Honestly, I could care less if I ever pull the trigger ever again on anything. Helping young ones and seeing their reactions to situations and kills is worth much more to me.

Just a side note.

10-18-2007, 08:49 PM
that's the stuff...go get em boys....good for you....all my jrs have gotten too old now for beginners...sad.....lol...but I still go with them to sit....is fun.

10-23-2007, 05:59 PM
I met a 20 yr old in a strip club named Buffy who wants me to take her hunting for the weekend in Canada; trouble is my wife won't let me :p

Serious now, you guys are doing a great job. It has been my experience that many parents discourage their kids even when they have an invitation. The kids are easy, you have to sell the parents first.

10-25-2007, 08:20 PM
well he did it the 13 year old got a nice doe about 130 pounds. made a nice shot.a couple small does came out then the big one you think it would give a clear shot always had one deer in between us i told him to take the shot when he felt comftable with the shot as they were working there way out of the field the big doe picked he head up he took a 70 yard neck shot and down it went