View Full Version : The things kids do..

09-20-2007, 07:02 AM
I thought ya'll might enjoy this story....last weekend me, hubby and a freind went down behind the house to the range and was shootin muzzleloaders and sightin em in.
My 3 yr old lil girl has her own "gun" and you dont go shootin without her or her gun lol...
Well, she got kinda bored after shootin her gun after the first hour so I walked her back up to the house to get her some juice and to get some more bore butter. gettin the bore butter, I spotted my crow call.
I picked it up to move it out of the way and the lil lilred had a fit...."i want to talk to the ducks mama!" (She has seen and heard all the duck calls we have)
I told her that it wont a duck call, but a crow call and yes, we would take it with us and she could talk to the crows.

She was excited as all git out. When we got back down there, she got to blowin on that call....and I swear, in 15 minutes time she had pert near 25 crows dive-bombin the range! She had the crow caller soundin more like a coon squallin than a crow. It was hilarious. (The range is in a stand of hardwoods so the crows felt perty comfortable.) BTW, she also made the most perfect squirrel chatters with that call...

she would get em right over our heads and she would holler "shoot em! hurry up mama!"
It was so funny...course...we wont gonna shoot no crow with a muzzleloader and she didnt have her earmuffs on...but i tell ya...that is the beginnins of a new huntress to be..
and my 3 yr old has taught me how to use that crow call much better than I ever have and that it doubles for a squirrel call.
Bless her heart.....
:D :D

09-20-2007, 09:49 AM
That's a great story. Definitely sounds like you've got a future hunter on your hands.

Rocky Raab
09-20-2007, 03:38 PM


Tall Shadow
09-20-2007, 03:44 PM
Good work...Ma!

All The Best,

Tall Shadow :D

09-20-2007, 04:12 PM

Thats why I said Kids are a blessing. Thats a moment the two of you will never forget.
