View Full Version : Latest Shotgun Purchase?

09-20-2007, 03:14 PM
What is your most recent shotgun purchase?

And why did you buy it?

My most recent was an older 12 gauge Remington 11-48 with a 30" polychoke barrel. As Flip Wilson use to say "The Devil made me do it!" Actually it was a good buy at $200, although I sure didn't need it, and already own several more expensive 12's.

I e-mailed the Remington factory, and they said it was made in 1951 - so it is 56 years old, and going strong.

I've been shooting Sporting Clays with it. The POLY makes it easy to adapt to different shooting stations. It is really fun when I/we occasionally outshoot someone using an expensive new O/U.

09-20-2007, 03:36 PM
I was talking to my wife about this the other day, and it turns out that my last gun purchase was 4 years ago right when I met her. I bought two Beretta 391 Teknys sportings, one in 12 and the other in 20. I bought them because I thought they looked pretty cool, but it turns out that I can shoot them pretty well too and I actually prefer them now over my o/u's. The only thing I don't like about them is cleaning the gas operating system. That was my excuse to buy a Benelli Sport II, but I eventually decided against that because I shoot the Teknyses too well. I'll deal with the cleaning.

09-20-2007, 05:09 PM
A crown grade Mossberg 500 Field in 20 gauge with imp cyl, modified, and full chokes, with honey satin checkered walnut and a 26" vent rib barrel. Throw in a choke pouch with protective tubes for the chokes. $210 after tax and my wifes wal-mart discount.

My wife insisted I get it since I had wanted a good pump gun in 20 guage for a number of years. It was the display model and the last one they had and they apparently they are not going to be reording in 20 guage. It operates smooth as silk, and I can't wait to see how it shoots.


09-21-2007, 03:33 AM
The last shotgun I got was a Win 101, o/u 20 ga, the price was right ($200), but it needs some work, so it's a project in progress. Needs rebluing and stock refinished. I figured it'd make a great upland gun for pats (Ruffed Grouse), light enough to carry thru the briars, Waidmannsheil, Dom.

09-21-2007, 08:24 AM
Bought a Browning 2000. Looked at it awhile, not really a fan of semi autos, do have an Sweet 16 and a beater CD 20ga. Something about the engineering of the 2000 struck my fancy, and 3 barrels came with it. A 24" slug bbl., a 2.75", 26"VR with Truce Chokes and a 3" 28" VR with Briley tubes, so I bought it. Very happy with it, it'll get some waterfowl use this fall. Will say it was probably an over engineered firearm.

09-21-2007, 12:28 PM
Bennelli Super Black Eagle II was my last one, and quite probably the very last one. I figure it will out last my physical ability to duck hunt and my XS Skeet Browning will fill my sport shooting needs for years to come. All the others in the cabinet will just have to wait their turn..

Unless,of course,that deal of a lifetime comes along.... LOL

09-21-2007, 11:10 PM
At the same time when back east. first was a Winchester 1300 pump(turkey gun all camo) and the second from the same guy was a nice Winchester M-42 pump gun. Love to shoot them 410's. The turkey gun is gonna go but the 42 is staying. Solid Rib modified bbl too.
BTW the Browning 2000 is just a slightly modified Beretta 300-301-302-303 model. Good guns and they usually shoot pretty well

09-22-2007, 08:07 AM
Skeet, Don't think Beretta ever made anything like this. The 2000 loads through a port in the left side of the receiver like the Browning Double Auto. Also to go from 2.75" shells to 3" shells one has to change barrels. The model you are thinking of came out after the 2000, but the number slips my old mind right now. The 2000 was the first gas operated semi auto shotgun made by Browning and was made at the same time the A5 was still being made in Belgium as was the 2000.

09-22-2007, 09:39 AM

A buddy of mine has a Browning 2000, and I really don't like it. However, to each their own. If it works for you, then it is a great gun for you.

Mr. 16 gauge
09-22-2007, 06:49 PM
The last shotgun I bought was a few years back.....it was a used Remington 1100, 12 gauge, with a 2 3/4 inch chamber, 28 inch barrel, and modified choke. I have a couple of friends that have 1100s, one in 12 gauge and the other in 410. Since my Ithaca M51 cannot be repaired, and the price was right, I bought it. I have since used it to take ducks, geese, and pheasants.
All in all, I'm quite pleased with the gun........:)

09-22-2007, 11:37 PM
You are right about the Browning 2000. The Beretta knockoff was the B-80. The 2000 was a previous version of Browning gas gun. Not very popular and had a few?? problems but off the top of my head I can't remember all of them. Stuff in the bolt return broke I do remember. Expensive to make so Browning went to the B-80. 2000 was made in Belgium ...assembled in Portugal. They also had a Browning 500...one in gas and the other in recoil. Never sold well.

BTW what is wrong with your Ithaca 51? They had lots of problems but most can still be repaired. I even happen to have a few parts for that gun.

09-23-2007, 04:52 AM
Red label winchester model 37 12 guage. That thing is Extra full choke and shoots tighter patterns than my neighbors mosberg 22 at 30 yards. It must have seen lots of days in the field as the wood has lots of little dents and dings but the metal is nice.

This might just be my next turkey/card shoot gun as i can get it choked down even tighter than the .655 it is setting at now if i need the extra.

Mr. 16 gauge
09-23-2007, 08:20 AM
The M51 needs a new slide assembly; I checked on GunParts and they want $100+ for the part (used) and they never seem to have them in stock, anyway. I paid $200 for the gun, so it seems like a waste to pay another $100. I think I will eventually be selling the gun off for parts....too bad, too, as I liked it's lightness while grouse hunting with it.:(

09-23-2007, 09:30 AM
You know that when Ithaca made that gun they had a lifetime guarantee on 'em. For a gun with so many problems that in itself would have made them go broke. The part you are needing was one of the problems along with the shell latches. Made way too lightly. Shell latches bent easily and the bolt carrier would crack in 2 places. When they worked they were nice shooting guns. I had one in skeet version with an extra full choke trap bbl. Drop dead gorgeous wood. Pretty pretty gun...but it was always broken.:( I'll see what I may have in parts. Knew a guy that made parts for them ..more robust but think he died a year or so ago. Think the gas system had a prob too but don't remember what exactly.

The Red letter M-37 is a nice gun . A lot of them were and are used for block or target shooting guns. Kick a little though.:D