View Full Version : .32 acp shooters?

09-20-2007, 03:22 PM
Who else shoots a .32 acp?

I have two - a fairly new Kel-Tek for daily carry, and an older Colt M1903. While some might disagree, I feel very safe carrying either one as my CCW.

I also had a .32 Hungarian PA-63, but it went to a friend.

The Colt is much more fun to shoot than the smaller Kel-Tek. But the Kel-Tek gets carried much more often.

The .32 acp is an easy cartridge to reload. I cast 90 grain round-node plain base bullets, and they function well in both. When carrying, I switch to FMJ factory ball ammo.

Adam Helmer
09-20-2007, 03:37 PM

Great post! I like a .32 ACP and have a Colt M1903 that was captured in Belgium in 1944. My wife gave it to me because her uncle got the pistol in WWII. As a GI, he was entitled to send 3 handguns home and this is one of the three. Unfortunately I do not have the capture papers.

My M1903 has some light pitting on the grip backstrap, but the bore is mint. I shoot it now and then for nostalgic reasons.


09-21-2007, 12:56 AM
I shoot a Walther PP that was also a GI bringback. I have the holster with extra clip, and the pistol is in very nice shape.
The sights are rather small, but, on a good day, the pistol is capable of some surprising accuracy.
I find the 32 ACP somewhat of a pain to reload for, as the case is so darn small, but it isn't a finicky cartridge, IME. I buy lead RN's at the local gun shows, since bullets that small are pretty cheap.
Any fast powder that will function the action, like Red Dot, AA #2, etc, seems to shoot nicely.
I had the Walther, along with some other handguns at a local range one day, and was shooting next to a fellow with a 44 Magnum. When I moved the gallon milk jugs I was shooting at to the 100 yard range, and made a few hits (not many) with the 32, the poor guy nearly fainted.:D

09-21-2007, 08:30 AM
My wife has a Berreta Tom Cat. I'll say it is a fun gun and with the proper ammo I'd feel safe with it. Bullet placement is 90% of the disabling function at those distances a person can get very accurat quickly. When in LE for all those years we taught the double tap method and I am a firm believer in it.

12-09-2007, 06:08 PM
Here in Saskatchewan our !$#^&&*)(*%@@%&***$&&$#^*)(^$@@? government won't allow .32 or .25 caliber handguns!

12-09-2007, 06:17 PM
I got a really nice Beretta 25 auto from a lady from Canada. She wanted to send it to me in the mail!! I actually picked it up from her when she came to Wyoming to visit. She just carried it across the border. I don't know how legal that was. Still in the box with papers too. Shoots really good. Not quite as accurate as my Colt 25 auto...but surely is easier to hold and shoot. I am also the proud owner of a Colt 1903. Not a bad shooter...now that it doesn't let 'em all go with one pull of the trigger.:D Have a war trophy 25 auto from Germany that really does let 'em all go..most every time.

Adam Helmer
12-10-2007, 03:13 PM

Isn"t it fun when a gun doubles, triples or goes full chat? I like my M1903 Colt .32 and it gets to the bench now and then.

When I was on the state high power rifle team, my issue Match M-14 began to double and triple one day during a practice session. I turned it in for another M-14. A friend bought a Chinese SKS at a gun show and brought it by to test fire. It doubled two or three times and then went full chat. I asked what the guy was going to do about that and he just grinned and drove off for home.


Joe Boleo
12-10-2007, 06:54 PM
An SKS that goes full chat is worth a lot of money. Kind of like a poor man's Class III weapon. Take care...

12-10-2007, 09:25 PM
What makes guns go "full chat"? And what is a "class III weapon"?:confused:

12-10-2007, 10:01 PM
A class III firearm is a full auto or machine gun. It could also have some other features that put it in a restrictive category..such as a suppressor(silencer). Full chat means full auto or shooting all the rounds in the firearm . Usually happens with semi auto because the sear or other firing component has either worn or broken. I once had a Remington 11(like a Browning auto 5) semi auto shotgun go full auto while hunting. Surprised the snot outta me. Never could shoot that gun even after it was repaired.