View Full Version : Erroneous figures in appeal advertisements

jon lynn
09-21-2007, 08:50 AM
I do think asking for donations for the needy is truly a good thing. But to flat out lie! Shouldn’t it be agents the law to make up stuff, or inflate the numbers?

Today I saw an appeal for drinking water in the poorest areas of Africa. The appeal stated that:

“Five-thousand children die a day from bad water!”

So let us see: 5000 x 7 days a week = 35,000 deaths or 182,000 per year.

Could it be that bad? I know Africa is a huge landmass of poverty stricken persons, but for children alone it seems a bit exaggerated.

The last time a ‘statistic’ upset me, was when I discovered anti-gun groups were telling schools that millions of children were killed by guns in the US every year (I forgot the exact figure).

For the water…maybe I could let that slide, people do need help. But the gun hate groups, couldn’t legal action be taken as sort of a ‘slander’ type thing?

09-21-2007, 10:18 AM
Somehow, I am not too stricken by that number. I just did a google search on Africa's population and it turns out that they have 680,000,000 people living on the continent. That is 680 million people, which is close to 2 1/2 times the US population. Roughly, that would be 2.5% of the population dying from lack of water or bad water. Who knows the actual answer?

jon lynn
09-22-2007, 06:48 AM
Well I guess my real question is; should they be forced to provide proof before making the commercial or billboard? And could or should they be given fines or restrictions?

Intentional lies or misinformation should be punished. I do remember years ago there was a sign along a highway: “Become a vegetarian, Jesus was!” Which totally is bupkis, being of Jewish origins, he as did the apostles ate lamb at Passover. But they were just told to take it down.

Africa is a mess; Asia is not too far behind in some regions. But before I donate, I would like to know the facts. And when tree huggers try to bastardize religion to twist the minds of the ignorant, or not quite developed young minds, I think something should be done.

I guess I am asking to have our kindness and compassion protected.

09-22-2007, 09:21 AM
"Intentional lies or misinformation should be punished."
Jon, we can't do that- we have an election coming up.;)
What would those poor politicians and interest groups do with the tons of money they've raised if they couldn't buy advertising?

09-22-2007, 10:37 AM
Jack, that was hilarious.

Jon, your issues with advertising are some of the reasons I hate giving money to these organizations, the NRA and DU included. I have had issues with both of those organizations at one time or another, but I still continue to donate. With these other African and Asian charities, you have to worry about what is being done with the money you give them. At least I get reports from the NRA and DU about what they are doing, and I can see some of the results (e.g., litigation that the NRA is involved in, increased wetlands).