View Full Version : My newest shotgun...

Adam Helmer
09-25-2007, 04:25 PM
I just obtained a Savage M24 that is .22 Magnum over 20 gauge with a 3-inch chamber. It is an early birthday gift. I had fun testing it at the backyard bench this morning.

I got the .22M barrel shooting on point of aim at 100 yards. At 40 yards the 20 gauge barrel is on point of aim with shot and #3 buckshot, but low and right with slugs.

We have some small game hunting in PA these days, but nothing like back when I was a kid in the 1960s. I always wanted a Model 24 and finally got this one. I plan on hunting grouse, squirrel, rabbits and turkey with it. I have a hunting dog and dogs are now legal for turkey hunting as are rifles in the Fall Season. We have many turkeys hereabouts and I am ready to hunt. If the turkey is out of 20 gauge range, it will probably be in .22M range.


Gil Martin
09-25-2007, 05:45 PM
How many do you have now? Just curious. All the best...

09-25-2007, 06:01 PM
Glad yours shoots point of aim with both barrels. I love model 24's also. the 22 mag over 20 guage is one of the absolute best combo's available for multi species small game. Maybe the very best red fox gun you can get.

I have seen them where the shotgun pattern was much lower when sighted in at 50 yards. No amount of tweeks seem to solve the issue. A quick call to savage and a swap out solved that problem. The problem creeped up with a winchester over/under 20 guage quail gun once that the bottom barrel shot left of point of aim and the top barrel shot right of point of aim. the guy sold it to me cheap cause he said it did not shoot where he pointed it. I had to have A smith solve that problem for me.

The .22 long over 410 was the kids choice in my nieghborhood as a first gun. Mine was my fathers/fathers and spent loads of time in the woods with me in tree rat season. I could hit tree rats with the shotgun barrel well but a running rabbit was safe as the "pres" at the white house. A savage 20 guage youth single shot solved the rabbit issue. A 410 is and experts shotgun not a kids gun.

09-25-2007, 08:31 PM

I'll agree with you that a .410 is an experts shotgun, because after several years of using one to hunt doves, I finally got my first dove because it landed on the wires on top of me. To this day, I still have no idea how I killed it because it jumped off the wire as soon as I went to pull the trigger. I wonder if I pattern the gun if it shoots to the point of aim?

Now, the good reason that a .410 is a kids gun is because it doesn't recoil too much and it is rather difficult to kill somebody with one. A .22 long can really put a hurt on somebody at 100 yards.

09-26-2007, 12:45 AM
Adam, 'bout time you got a combo!! As far as sighting in the shotgun barrel, you've got to try different ammo brands to get one that's the closest. On my bockdrilling, the 30-06 is sighted in with the scope, the hornet is sighted in by adjusting the muzzle end of the barrel with set screws, and the shotgun is patterned with different loads from various manufacturers to find the best and closest POI. Once you go thru the trouble, it is worth it to carry one weapon the same as if you drug out three with you, all in one nice neat tidy package. Oh, one thing to remember, in the heat of the moment, make sure you got your finger on the right trigger or select the right barrel, I must admit, I've been surprised a couple of times!! Viel spass mit Deine neue Spielzeug, Waidmannsheil, Dom.

Adam Helmer
09-26-2007, 08:12 AM

I do not have all the shotguns I want, but probably more than I need.


When I was a kid, I sure wanted a .22LR over 410 from the first time I saw one. It seemed like a great combo. I realize the .22M over 20 gauge is a better woods gun.


Du hast rechts! I tried several different 20 gauge shot loads and all printed on point of aim with the .22M barrel. The slugs went low and right, so I do not have a slug gun with the sights set for the .22M/20 gauge barrels. I have two Citoris, but this Savage 24 is a better gun for my daily "Woods Loafing" mit das Hund.

Bis Bald,


09-26-2007, 10:25 AM
I picked one up in 22 over 410 not long ago. Late 40's early 50's gun and it is like new. Always wanted one when I was a kid. 410 is perfect for rabbits and skwerl:D