View Full Version : anyone have ballistic charts for a .22?

09-26-2007, 08:49 PM
I have some 36gr win xpert .22 lr hollow point, anyone have drop charts out to 200 yds?
p.s., I know i,m crazy

09-27-2007, 10:43 AM
Their are several blastic program on the web that will do it for you if you know your vel. and the BC of the bullet. If you don`t use the published velosity, which will probibly be alittle fast, and use the BC of a similar bullet, a 40 gn. Hoenet would be close. This will give you a place to start because you always have to field test to make sure.

11-06-2007, 02:57 PM
Minihunter how you doing? I understand you are a young man with a thirst for knowledge about shooting... reminds me of myself years ago.

I am going to attach a PDF changed to a JPG file for you.

Several comments for your consideration:
1) You do not want to use a HP for distance shooting in a 22LR, OK for 25 yards and under but at any distance the loss of 10% in weight is very bad for delivered energy on target.
2) You should always use a solid Round Nose when shooting distance with a 22LR.
3) Try to start below the speed of sound, 1087 feet per second, varies by temp and air density. Most standard velocity is sub sonic.
4) If you go with sonic ammo, try Federal Classic (Federal in plastic 100 box, copper bullet)

What I have sent is based on scope clicks of 1/4 inch with Federal Gold ammo. Just use a standard velocity ammo that works in your gun.

Good luck,

11-06-2007, 02:59 PM
This is the sonic sheet