View Full Version : North east Coyotes
09-28-2007, 08:37 PM
Who hunts them???
What is your method of hunting them and how successfull are you??
09-29-2007, 09:02 AM
I've got quite a bit of experience with the yotes here in NY.
I enjoy calling, but it's quite an experience with good dogs, and a good crew. The calling hasn't been producing as much as several years back, they're getting educated by a lot of novice hunters making many common mistakes. I started by calling fox in the early 70's. Back then the coyote population was nothing like today! I even think they called them coydogs, derived from the breeding of a wild dog and domestic. Now when I set up for fox, I load up with larger shot, for that occasional yote? But a few years back before they changed the laws when hunting at night you couldn't use shot larger than #4. But now I use #4buck. If I can answer some of your questions/methods fire away!
09-29-2007, 10:24 AM
In indiana (which is more midwest) we call, scout the tractor trails between fields, walk up on sleeping yotes and jump shoot them, and shoot them off trestand's during deer season.
I use a woodperker distress call and a cat toy on fence lines which has been the big producer lately.
For normal setups the call controller normally carries a shotgun and the sniper a small cal rifle.
Normally get 10 or so a year combined, some years we don't get the snow cover so the numbers fall. Night hunting is allowed in Indiana and very early morning hunts produced best, In the very cold days and moonlight nights the action can be fast.
09-29-2007, 11:45 AM
I do a lot of calling alone, last minute decision so I usually just carry the shotgun at night. But I just picked up a savage o/u 222/ 20ga 3". I really like that combo, would rather have a 12 but the price was right, couldn't pass it up! Now if they hang up out of shotgun range the 222 should do the trick with shooting stix? I should find out first snowfall?
09-29-2007, 08:18 PM
First dog shot in front of dogs!
09-29-2007, 08:20 PM
Huh, no photo, I'll keep trying!
09-29-2007, 08:57 PM
The first yote I shot in front of my 2 year old bluetick and I can't get it right?? Dam? I'm not a quiter, LOL!
09-30-2007, 11:32 AM
I hunt coyotes about anyway you can think of. I call them, and have had some luck In Idaho, but as of yet not in Ohio. I chase them with dog. The neighbor has a real good male and a female that`s not bad. Someone in the group has killed at least 1 every time I`ve ran with him. I `also just pick a good looking spot and set. I`m always watching when I`m driveing, and I always have a gun. When the renters start running the crops I`ll be out watching for they. The only farming I do any more is pick up rocks, but I`ll be carring a .243 Striker when I do that. I don`t get many, but I keep tring and do get a few.
10-08-2007, 01:20 PM
Catfish, I've never hunted out west ever. But from doing research and watching calling videos, the stratagy is different in the North East. The biggest factor here in NY is the coyote, fox, etc. are mostly nocturnal. So the only advice that may help you hunting in Ohio is basically if your law permits you to hunt at night, that would be a posative factor, but the twilight hours is your next best bet. Right before sunrise and right after sunset. I try to make a habit not to walk to far from my means of transportation, mainly because red fox and coyote use tthe wind 75% of the time, so the farther you travel on foot the bigger chance that the animal will cross your track, that will spoil your setup. Let me know how you make out?
10-08-2007, 07:07 PM
Was talking to a friend of mine to day and he said he just got word today that his nite vision scope ( third gen) was being shipped. We`re figuring that I will set close to the call and do the calling with a shotgun and he will sit back watching my down wind. I think he said he was going to put it on his .243. Whenrunning them with dogs I carry an AR. When setting and watching I carry a .22-6mm. If they stand still and ican get a good range on them and there isn`t ot much wind, the .22-6mm should be good to about 800 yrds. I should be good to about 500 in winds upto 20 mph, depending on how steady it is. I`ve even started carring a .222 in a 10 in Contender with me on the bike. A gun is like an American Express card, your should never leave home without one. ;)
Andy L
10-09-2007, 05:52 AM
I should be good to about 500 in winds upto 20 mph
Provided the coyote allows you time to dope the wind correctly and set up flags, or will stand still long enough for you to walk one in like on a pd town. lol
What a joke.
10-10-2007, 09:55 PM
I talked too my dad and he was telling me he hasn't been seeing many yotes. The ones he has seen are ate up with mange and they're all dying off. Guys back home aren't even hunting them because they aren't even worth putting a bullet in. I always said the only good coyote is a dead coyote, but I hate too see anything suffer.
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