View Full Version : SO you thought that they would stop with the "Evil" rifles huh?

Tall Shadow
10-01-2007, 12:29 AM
Myself and others here and around the country, have been trying to forewarn ALL gun owners, that the anti's aren't just going after "Evil" black rifles......No! They want them all gone.

But Many just wouldn't hear it....."All they want is those military assault rifles gone! They would never come after Our guns!"

Well!......Welcome to Never!

NY Daily News (http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime_file/2007/09/28/2007-09-)

No background check at gun shop for St. John's student

Friday, September 28th 2007, 4:00 AM

Accused St. John's gunman Omesh Hiraman only had to hand over cash to buy the muzzle-loading rifle he's accused of using to cause a terror scare on campus.

The 22-year-old went to Dick's Sporting Goods in Poughkeepsie on Friday afternoon, threw down $179.99 and walked out with a Wolf 209 Magnum, cops said.

He did not have to undergo a background check. He wasn't even asked for identification.

The black-powder gun's firing system qualifies the weapon as an antique, so it's exempt from federal gun rules.

"No transaction record and no background check is required because it is not considered a gun," said Joseph Green, of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

The gun discharges one shot at a time and has to be reloaded with powder and a metal ball before it can be refired. It seldom appears at modern-day crime scenes.

"No self-respecting criminal or gang-banger would ever buy one of these," a law enforcement source said. "But crazies - they love 'em."

Cops said they fired the gun taken from Hiraman and determined it was working. The gun's bullets aren't the most accurate or powerful, but they can be deadly.

"It's not a BB gun," said James Gannalo, a retired NYPD officer and ballistics expert. "It's a lethal weapon if the person fires it into a human being."

For the full "Crap-Tastic" feel, please read the full article(at the link above)

Can you read the writing on the wall here?

Can you see the "Well only a crazy person would want one of those things!" kind of divisiveness in the articals writing?

Yep, What-ca' gonna' do now people?

Like We've said before....Countless times.....We must ALL stick together on this subject....or we will all lose.

It's time to wake the heck up America! Jeesh!

How loud do we have to shout it at you before you guys get the picture?

Tall Shadow

10-01-2007, 04:52 AM
ok so what we need to do here is label .....anyone that wants to disarm anyone on American soil as being against America. Terrorist could even be used here. Get the word out. Why would anyone want to disarm us and open our borders to those that want to enter and destroy America unless you were on their side? Too many wolves in sheep clothes for me.....those like the Clintons, HUSUS or any anti-Americans. Next in getting the word out is getting the word out. Those of us that read hunting/fishing magazines hear what is going on but if you don't read these magazines how are you going to know? If you don't read a golf magazine you won't hear what is going on in the golf world. If you are anti-hunting you would not subscribe to a hunting magazine so therefore you do not get the information we do. Now to get a golf magazine to publish a paragraph on why we should not dis-arm America.

Tall Shadow
10-01-2007, 03:49 PM
Well skeeter, I wish it was just that easy!

Unfortunately, One can not just write an article for any of the "Other" sports, or activities magazines...and even expect them to give it more than a cursory glance....much less publish it.

And, as I've said....one of our Biggest fights.....is with those from within our own ranks of shooters/hunters/sportsmen.

The Divide between...say the Skeet guys & the high power rifle shooters....between the Muzzle loaders, and the Bolt action guys.....or the hunter/shooters & the Collector/shooters.

We fight among ourselves enough to do the work of the Anti's well enough for them.

It HAS to stop!

I might not have a $12,000 shotgun to shoot clays with.....but I don't want to take someone else's right to do so. Nor would I deny anyone else their right to hunt, shoot, or collect what they want to.

But there are those among Our community that seek, and even promote such things......
We all know of at least one.....many of us know many more.

Mark My Words!
These same ignorant people, will be Our undoing.

If we, the hunting/shooting community, can not agree within our own ranks, that the term "Shall Not Be Infringed" means just that!

You own & shoot what you want to, and I'll do the same....and if we meet, we can be in agreement that We are both within our right to do so....and wish each other a good day of shooting....smile and move on. Each secure in the knowledge of the others support for My rights...as I'd support His!

We'd better fix this...because the Democrats are going to be coming full force, if they win in 2008!

Tall Shadow

10-08-2007, 03:04 PM
you're absolutely correct!

we here in the PRK are usually the first victims of such crusades; the city of san francisco is the worse offender of all. twice, once under the leadership of the pathetic diane feinstien and once again under the moronic gavin newsom, outlawed the possession of guns KNOWING FULL WELL OF THE SECOND AMENDMENT and what the resultant court action would bring. they're openly very pro-homosexual, pro abortion, pro illegal immigration but are radically anti-gun and anti military.

california is one of the few states who refuses to return to the pre-clinton gun-ban laws. their laws are extensive involving "assault weapons". they're senseless, ineffective and create more problems than they solve.

just as bad are those who are bowing to the altar of the UN for international gun control (it's mostly about the proliferation of military small arms, but wants to include any firearm of military caliber such as 9mm, 5.56 & 7.62)

i think one way get some results favorable to the second amendment is to get an amendment to limit terms to no more than one, six year term for ANYONE. (fat chance! it's been tried before...)

some of the most destructive legislators in our history are many termed, such as; ted kennedy, chuck shummer, diane feinstein, barbara boxer, nancy pelosi, harry reid and john kerry to name a few.

folks like these get entrenched and are damned near impossible to get out of office! they wreak havoc with the laws they pass/propose to affect law abiding gun owners/hunters.

term limits would decrease the power/influence a legislator could have.

we do have to exercise our right to vote though, or soon, it too, will disappear.

Tall Shadow
10-08-2007, 03:51 PM
Don, While I TOTALLY agree with the need to get rid of all of the "people" in political office who are just thinly veiled Anti-Gunners, I am trying to make people wake up to the BIG Problems in our own ranks!

It's obvious that Finstine, Kennedy, Waxman, Etc. are after Our guns....All of them!

What I'm talking about is the "Through the OTHER guy under the bus" attitude in the Gun owner's community!

We sometimes call these people "Fudds" (As in Elmer Fudd)
It is someone who, for whatever reason, is biased against ANYONE who doesn't Hunt, Shoot, or Wear...Whatever it is that they do.
Someone who, might not be in to "Sporting Clays", and just likes to get together with friends and shoot some skeet, from a small trap thorougher....and not use a $2000 shotgun to do so.

Yes, I know that is childish of Us to call them names....But it's how they act.

I can not count the number of times I, or someone I've been with, has been B*tched at, or talked down to, simply because of what gun(s) I (WE) are shooting.

Now, don't get me wrong.....I own some $2k+ rifles, and "Normal" "Inexpensive" "Hunting Rifles", but I don't look down my nose at those who don't shoot/hunt what I do.

It's ALL! good! (I might not like your taste in cars, but that is your choice & I'm just happy that there are so many to choose from...I'd never say.."Well You shouldn't have "THAT" kind of car.....To each his own!

We are all "Brothers & Sisters" in the shooting community.

But not to the "Jim Zumbo's & Fudds"...

It will be used (It already is!) to divide and conquer Us!

Tall Shadow