View Full Version : What is the worse case scenario for Hillary?

jon lynn
10-02-2007, 08:37 AM
I was sitting back wondering how bad it could get for hunters and shooters if Hillary should make it. How bad could she mess things up, could it get any worse for Kaliphornia, and could the other 49 states fare as bad?

I am talking a realistic look at a potential bad situation.

Rocky Raab
10-02-2007, 09:45 AM
That's not hard.

Just recall every hare-brained idea that Chuckie Schemer has voiced over the past decades - and that's what'll happen.

Bans on any repeating firearm and anything with a scope, massive taxes on ammo, mandatory licenses with huge fees for every gun you own, government inspection of your mandatory safe, a ban on reloading and confiscate all handguns.

Also expect a complete ban on hunting.

Then she'll pack the courts with socialist judges and make all these decrees "legal" and permanent.

10-02-2007, 11:53 AM
I really hope she is dumb enough to go for an all-out gun grab. That way we can beat back and beat down the anti's, literally. That's the ONLY way our guns will be safe.

The gov't has taken a really sneaky and effective tact in outlawing things. They do it a little at a time and not by outlawing per se, but by litigating and taxation. Look at smoking. Whether you agree with smoking or not, the gov't has done a pretty good job at all but eliminating it, which will happen in my lifetime. So you don't smoke, so it's not a big deal to you? Guess what? Lots of people don't have guns and don't give a schiznit if you do either. If you let them take a little, they will take all of it.

10-02-2007, 02:36 PM
Well, first she has to get in, so I'll do my part in assisting that doesn't happen. I haven't got past that stage yet, so I'm hoping it won't become reality, Waidmannsheil, Dom.

Dan Morris
10-02-2007, 03:02 PM
Stead of preaching to the choir, we GOT to start doing our leg work NOW!!!

10-02-2007, 03:55 PM
I'm a bedrock conservative that is concerned that the Republican party is leaning too far to the center to offer us much help. I see too many Republican Presidental candidates that appear, to me at least, to be Democrates dressed in Republican clothing. Neither party seems to care about protecting our boarders - a part of their sworn oath of office - and the leader in the Republican race is a New Yorker, who has never been a friend of the Second Ammendment.

Not knowing which way to turn, I may simple vote against every incumbant running - regardless of party. When it comes to the Presidential Election however, its as simple as ABC - anyone but Clinton.

jon lynn
10-04-2007, 08:41 AM
I am not trying to stereotype, but I did work in the PX, and now in the commissary, and I hear women customers say they are going vote for Hillary, JUST BECAUSE she is a woman! I almost tripped over my pallet of peanut butter. Not one single person seems to be considering the needs of the nation, but JUST BECAUSE……………..I’m shakin’ in my boots.

I heard men and women of mixed races commenting on voting for Obama because he is black, not issues, facts or anything but JUST BACAUSE. And yes some voting Republican JUST BECAUSE.

But I will vote agents Hillary JUST BECAUSE I believe in the Second Amendment, I do think the Constitution of the US is a good enough reason.

10-05-2007, 02:09 PM
When a group of soccer moms was interviewed on why they voted for Slick Willie, the majority answered , "Because he was cute." :eek:
And we gave women the vote. :rolleyes: Methinks that was one of the worst things that could have happened to this country. :(
On another site, there is a thread called, "The Pussification of the American Male." IIRC, it's on the 24 Hour campfire, and you'd have to search for it now. The person that wrote it gave it a lot of thought, and it's very well written.
Paul B.

M.T. Pockets
10-05-2007, 02:27 PM
Well, I'm not voting for her under any circumstance, but what other candidate on either side is going to beat her ?? The big media in this country is behind her and too many voters in this country don't think for themselves and will jump on the Clinton bandwagon. The only person who could beat her in the election is her husband Bill. I wouldn't vote for him either.

She scares me, but what scares me more is the voters in this country who might elect her.

10-08-2007, 02:16 PM
i think rocky raab showed the best case scenario should she be elected.

i'm still having a hard time believing/accepting women are in the places they are in the military, PD's & FD's...

our military/pd's & fd's are now more concerned about being politically correct in having women where they are than the actual function of their respective units as a whole.

i've seen examples of women in these jobs and in the job i retired from that should not have been allowed to be there but were because of "women's rights". i had a friend whose wife quit being a cop after nine years as a police officer as she got severely beaten (on the job) three times badly enough to be life threatening. she simply was not big enough or strong enough to defend herself and was saved by MALE backup.

women politicians are no different. especially hillary. most women tend to be liberal. just look at the california state legislature. check the women incumbents and their voting record. an overwhelming majority are dems, nearly all vote in favor for EVERY anti-gun proposal, homosexual issue and all are extremely wealthy.

you can rest assured this ole redneck will be working to defeat hillary.

10-08-2007, 05:45 PM
Headlines that read:

President Clinton Assasinated by Sniper

Now rethink how bad it could get. :(

10-20-2007, 12:30 AM
the way it looks it right now,she's a shoo in no matter whom the republicans choose as their candidate. heck they are restocking cigars at the whitehouse in anticipation of bill's return.

i gues you could say the oval office will be a real toilet
in about 15 months. i just wonder where they'll put one of them machines.

10-21-2007, 08:45 PM
How bad could it get?

A persistent and determined POTUS can legally use international law to trump existing US law. One of the law professor bloggers outlined exactly how it could be done.

IIRC, it amounts to finding someone who will bring a firearms suit against the US in the international court, and then having the POTUS agreeing to bind the US to their decision. The international court then finds the US in violation of treaty, and, presto! US law is overriden. Most people don't realize that a ratified treaty to which the US is party trumps US law.

That is one reason the DC gun case is so incredibly important. If I understand correctly, a treaty may trump law, but not the US Constitution. I believe a favorable ruling by SCOTUS would put a stop to that.

How bad could it get? Worse than that. Rush Limbaugh does a mean Bill Clinton impersonation. I'm visualizing him doing the same to Hillary if she wins. That's an image I could do without.

10-22-2007, 12:52 AM
Continue buyin yer unregistered huntin tools fellas!

10-23-2007, 07:29 AM
I aint gonna go on an all out rant on the subject but I have a thing er 2 to say but women...esp seein the posts here. Bein that I am a woman, I am quite qualified to give an opinion.
My take on
women in the military: no (at least not in combat)
women as president: no

There are 3 types of women out there. There's soft women who like cats, watch soaps & oprah and cry at weddins.
There are quiet women who just go on about their lives and who in truth, would be the toughest and bravest of the 3 when need be.
Then there are hard women who think they can kick the world's arsh...when in reality they caint AND expect to be pardoned when they caint.

All are moody, all are soft to a certain extent but Hillary is soft.
First thing she'll jump on is gun laws and Iraq. She'll pull all the troops, kiss & make up. Even is the war is totally over oil...we have sunk enough money & our men's lives into this crap...we dam straight better get somethin out of it! Our men DIED over there...and she will em have died in vain.
Then it's off to VA to whack our gun laws down to a pulp.

She'll pass the insurance law for kids too that ole Bush vetoed.
Sorry, but if you make 80 grand a year...you CAN afford your own dam health insurance...and I agree w/ Bush on this one.
It aint the fault of the taxpayer that these fools are all livin beyond their means and now the 80g is all gone on their subdivded home and hummer.
Meanwhile people makin 40g a yr are payin taxes on the other jackasses's health insurance???

I'm glad I live in the woods, got a wood stove and plenty of canned goods from the garden this year...it will be a miracle if we dont go into recession.

Hillary's worst case scenario: she gits out of bed in the mornin as president.

10-23-2007, 11:04 AM
Glad ya didn't hold nothin back and for the most I have to agree with you. I do however find that there are quite a few very hard nosed women in the world. But I am afraid that when or if they fail at what they want to do they will appeal to the women in this country and get things(laws or rules) changed enough so that it won't appear that they have failed. With men...they may try to do those changes but they usually aren't allowed to get away with it by other men(and the soccer moms). They just have to either face up to the failure of slink off into the pages of history. Hillary and women who support her are a very scary group. They will in my opinion be so bad for this country and possibly the world. Women now control an awful lot of the worlds wealth and now want to control the power in the world...or at least in this country. The worst thing is that women(in general, not all) want to forgive and forget what has happened in the past....and live by emotions more than would be good for us. It always amazed me to go to a home where the woman had been beat up by the husband or significant other for the 10th time...and they would always say...but I love him! And then not press charges. I fear for our country when people like Hillary have an agenda that is anti US in basis.

10-24-2007, 06:34 AM
well put, i couldnt agree with you more. Too much emotion..no matter what kind of woman ya are.
Women do care way too much about "what the other fella thinks". Makeup fer example.
Lilred is an arshole....I hate makeup and frankly, if you dont like it dont look at all.
I hate hair colors too..and I wont say what I'm thinkin on that cause on counta its not very ladylike.
Dont git me started on women thay stay with men that beat em. I mean really...how stupid can anybody be.
In fact, I got in a heated discussion with a friend of mine a few weekends ago over that. She stayed with a man that beat her for a long time..long story..wont go there. This thread reminded me of somethin tho..she got riled at me and asked me ..."well then, what would YOU do?" I told her I'd either shoot em, stab em er...if I could...beat the hell out of em.
Then she said "what if he gits up and trys to then kill you?" She said it with such sarcasm and surety it got me riled...so I told her the truth..but I wont so polite then..lol
I told her that I would rather die in the hands of some bashturd knowin I tried than knowin that I aint do crap about it. Thats just givin yer life away. He will know I was there...wether I live to tell about it er not.

My freind aint been back to the house since lol...I need to write that book "How to Win Freinds & Influence People by Lilred" :rolleyes: In all honesty, I was just tryin to help her but I reckon the way I put it was a lil too much lol

BTW Skeet, a lil birdie told me you done moved...which means...no shoppin!! :eek: :eek:
I am distraught...but...more fer me! ;)

10-24-2007, 10:34 AM
Ya know...if I loved anything more than I love women I would just be a lost ball in this world. Saying that I still feel that most women are as you also said...too emotional to be able to rule the world from the forefront...although they do so from the sidelines in some respects.
As far as your friend that you told the "truth" to. I kind of feel that if she doesn't come back to visit and to remain your friend either she has the brains God gave a gnat or she was never a real friend to begin with. People(and I have known a couple of men also) that allow themselves to be used and abused for the most part only want their "friends" to agree with them and commiserate with them. As I go through life as in the past...I ty to tell the truth and speak my mind whether it is in line with whoever I am speaking with. Of course we all tell little white lies at times ie as when someone asks if we like their clothes etc. But the real truth of a friendship is when the person tells the truth and says...ah...no that looks terrible when it does so. Seems to me that is the way you are and will continue to be. Now to tell the truth, at least as I see it, coloring hair.. most makeup and other enhancements are a type of lie. Women for the most part really don't need the enhancements that all that implies. I always kind of shied away from women that felt they needed all that fixing up. And most women feel that they aren't quite up to par in the beauty line. Men are also at times pretty vain and do some of the fixin up that women do. To get all fixed up to trap a man(or woman) seems just a little underhanded. Of course I like pretty. Don't we all? I guess what I am trying to say is that women feel an inadequacy that bleeds over into their public lives that seems to make them inadequate for the job of running this country...other than from the sidelines as they do now. I guess I've gone 'round Robin Hood's barn to just say that women are not quite up to running the country...even though many think they are up to the task. Now in the case of Hillary...since she can't remember how she made 100,000 bucks from nothing in a little over a year...not only is she lying to us she is lying to herself. And we as a people should trust her? One of the few women I feel I can trust Lilred, seems to be you! Never met you personally...but feel I can read your character...and I know you is one too!:D