View Full Version : New Magazines for the CCW pistol.

Adam Helmer
10-05-2007, 02:52 PM
Who tests their CCW pistol's magazines with your carry ammo before you hit the street?

I just got some new magazines for the P-38, the S&W 645 (45 ACP) and the 1911. I ran a few magazines of ammo through each gun and culled out one magazine out of 4 that did not make the CCW cut for each gun. About halfway through the test, I realized why I still have a fondness for revolvers. I returned the culls for a refund.

I like semi-auto pistols and will say many malfunctions are due to the magazine. Another possible problem is the ammo; some ammo feeds better than others so go to the bench and do the research. With semi-auto pistols, it is safest to assume nothing until the mags have been proofed with the CCW ammo.


Mr. 16 gauge
10-05-2007, 05:39 PM
Always try new mags out.....best aftermarket that I have found have been those made by Mecgar; the worst are those made by Pro-mag (how do you spell 'pro-mag'? C-R-A-P!)
Just MHO.

10-05-2007, 08:33 PM
I always test magazines- and not just for CCW, but for general use. Stoppages due to magazines are an annoyance I don't need at the range. Not to mention more dire situations.
I think different autos have their preferences as to which magazine brand they like, just like people have food preferences. Once you learn what brand your auto likes, you can usually rely on that brand, IME.

04-26-2008, 06:25 PM
I always test magazines before using for CCW. However, once tested, I usually don't make a fetish out of retesting.

Adam Helmer
04-29-2008, 10:04 AM
8 X 56MS,

Like you, I test my magazines when I acquire them and then load them up. I have noticed that a magazine that will not feed in a specific P-38 or 1911, will usually feed and function in another pistol.

I label and sort my magazines for specific guns, just like my handloads are labeled for specific guns.


05-02-2008, 10:52 PM
My experiences have been similar to 8x56 and Adam's

05-03-2008, 06:53 AM
I test and number mags.

I was have problems with a colt .223 and started using some wire markers to number mags. Since i was having intementent jams and FTF's all in 20 round mags since the one 5 round mag gave no problems at all. Turned out 20 round mag # 3 was causing both problems and was one i seemed to use alot.

Now i use those little makers often as the stick on and a little wd-40 takes off any sticky in about 1 sec.