View Full Version : Been out SCOUTING public hunting areas,...

10-05-2007, 07:24 PM
Hello all u OHIO hunters,...

I have been out scouting public hunting areas in Ohio and found that there are alot of deer in some areas that didnt show much promise last season.

Tar Hollow State Park,...looks like squirrels are running crazy and theres a decent crop of accorns this year.
Also Deer are looking good in this area as well as I have seen some good turkey groups.

Poston Wildlife area (AEP property),..In Nelsonville Ohio looks as to have gotten hit hard last year,and I didnt see much in deer movement,or signs.As I did last year it was cluttered with deer tracks and trails.This year Poston could be a gamble,but it did show some deer signs just not much in the way of getting too excited about.

AEP PROPERTY in RoseDale Ohio off of RT 83/93,...Seems to have moved up on my interest chart,..and I plan to revisit this area in the next 2 weeks as the leaves start to fall and turn colors.Squirrels are abundant ,but hard to see this time of year,..another 2 weeks or so and I can give you a better insight on what I see then,because I will be able to see more without the leaves on the trees.

Mackey Ford Wildlife Area Rt 762 in Ashville Ohio,..this place used to be a great place to hunt,..BUT again this year due to people acting like idiots and pigs this area still suffers from "Neglete" by the ODNR and the abuse of Weekend Warriors who think they are hunting,..or fishing,...NOT!!!!
The weeds are so high you cant see anything,and if u did flush something ,..well like I said the weeds are so high you are just out walking basically,with a gun in your hand.To make this place a nice place to hunt,..ODNR needs to allow someone to farm it,.and get some crops on it.Maybe they would allow OSU students to practice on their farming skills.???
NOT !!!

As for Mead Paper lands,..forget it ,..they are on a roll with making money and like fools as some of us are we gave in to the BS and are paying more to hunt on some property the was FREE !!!

Thats all the feild reports I have at this time,..How about any of you,..have been scouting and if so how do the areas u scouted fair?

Later ALL

hunt SAFE