View Full Version : Delist the Wolf

10-10-2007, 03:43 AM

I'd say that if you're interested in bringing managing these things in areas that they have become a pest please add to this request... :) Before they get wise to this anyways... :)

Here is our version that we posted...

I strongly support your proposal to give states a license to kill wolves in areas where big game populations are below targeted levels.

I am especially pleased that your proposal would empower states to begin managing wolves even though they still are on the endangered species list.

Wolves once thrived in much of the lower 48 states. Today, they reside in only 5 percent of their former range but because of limited habitat, are becoming a nuisance to many.

I urge you not to decimate a wolf population that has only recently sprung back to life and is world-renowned as a symbol of the American West, but to manage them responsibly.

Much Aloha,

10-10-2007, 11:48 AM
Was sent to Mr Bangs supporting the delisting. I also sent an email to that group letting them know what I did and why. Rattus, I have seen nothing in the proposals of Wyoming that would use aerial gunning or bait to get rid of wolves. As usual this group is lying and knows it. Their only concern is THEIR bottom line.

10-10-2007, 02:17 PM
Hi Skeet,

I agree with you about their genuineness.. It's the same tactic that they all use. You first have to defend the assertion.. like the comment... "have you stopped beating your wife and kids" Yes or No?

Thank you for helping with this effort.

Much aloha,

Tom :cool:

10-10-2007, 06:34 PM
Right now in the areas they are in like the great lakes they are spreading like ezotic animals they are killing pets and live stock.
There are bear problims in areas now becouse guys will not run there dogs becouse the wolfs are killing them.
I no of a famer thet had them chaseing his calf when he went out to chase it away it was not scared.
Any animal that is introduced to a area should be managed for its benefit becouse they are starting to be seen as nuisance.
The u.p. of mich has a diverse terain frome swamp and hard woods to mountains and many of the areas have hardly any deer .
I know there is going to be some one that will flame me for this but mich dnr have no trew idea as to how many we have there have been counts frome 500 to 1500 and most are in areas with the lowest deer density.

02-26-2008, 07:40 PM
Should be a done deal now.

02-27-2008, 08:19 AM
Them anti's will have this tied up in court for 4 more years. They have vowed to run this through the courts till the cows and elk are all gone:rolleyes:

02-27-2008, 07:46 PM
Looks like Idaho has already got something in the hunting regs. Check this out (http://fishandgame.idaho.gov/apps/releases/view.cfm?NewsID=4271)

02-27-2008, 11:28 PM
ready to go. They were approved by the USFWS last year. Except the regs for Wyoming. I know it seems crazy but Wy has fought the government tooth and nail over the plan they had. It was essentially no different from the other 2 state's plans but since YNP is mostly in Wy...the Feds want to have more say. I now have 4 wolves living behind the house on the sandstone bluffs. Course they travel the area. As does the mountain lion that is in the area. I happen to be 80 miles from the Park but only 20 miles from the Bighorns...where there are still a thriving herd of moose. The wolves are invading the Bighorns as we speak. There will soon be no huntable populations of moose in the Bighorns...or so the fears go. Time will tell. But if I have a wolf or pack of wolves attack my cows... dogs ..even my wife..I can't shoot the darn things. SSS though.

Oh and i saw the news tonight and the wolf huggers are going to file suit next week to keep the wolf on the ESL

03-01-2008, 06:32 PM

Wyoming have any regs on shooting wild dogs if they attack your livestock:D ?


03-02-2008, 12:29 PM
The number of wolves in Wyo far exceed what was to be the goal for delisting. Now the ecos want to go back and reset the numbers. The wolves have been documented west of Baggs on the Colo border. It was a pair out for a spring look around. This is confirmed by the wolf specialist. The feeling around here is similar to other areas. When the wolves cause trouble the motto is "Shoot, shovel and shut up."

03-02-2008, 01:30 PM
Of at least one wolf that was tagged and going down interstate 85 heading for Aridzona otr someplace. He was doing 70 miles an hour. ...on the spare tire of a semi rig:D :D Course he wan't feelin any pain;)

03-02-2008, 09:27 PM
I heard

A wolf tracking collar was going down I-80 to the east and turned onto I-25 at Cheyenne and headed down to Denver. Found the collar on the flatbed behind a Kenworth.

Another one reportedly was chasing calves above Dubois and was found dead about eight hours later in the road ditch south of Pindale. One fast wolf.

"Nothing like the smell of Napalm in the morning", Robert Duvall, 7th Cav. CO in "Apocalypse"

03-02-2008, 10:01 PM
One really fast wolfie. I actually am glad there are wolves in the world. I have no problem with wolves and feel with some hunter intervention the wolf "problem" as such will disappear. The problem I have is people that have no earthly reasons for doing so... affect the lives of so many without a care in the world. Long as they get what they want even if it is a detriment to those that live in the affected area. Why not reintroduce wolves to Central Park?? Oh...sorry. They wouldn't have a chance there. Well then let's turn 'em loose in Pa or Massachusetts. New Jersey would be a good place for wolves.

Hey Larry...think Duvall said..I love the smell of napalm in the morning..hehehe...what a great line in a really sick movie:D :D

03-03-2008, 10:19 AM
Skeet, You are 100% on the folks that run around "doing for the greater good". They don't care a bit on how their actions affect other folks. Me Me Me, that is the only person they care about.

I didn't have Duvall's line quite right, but I thought it was a classic. Duvall has really done a great job in the films industry. He has become a classic western hero player. I'll go see every film he is in.

03-03-2008, 10:27 AM
I was just messing with you, my friend. Duvall has done some great parts. He has gotten so that when he acts he actually seems to be the person in the screenplay. Just saw the movie 2nd hand lions the other night. He played a good part in it too. He seems to play parts that other people WISH they could be like.:D

03-03-2008, 04:10 PM
Skeet, I haven't seen that movie (Second Hand Lions) but I will be looking through the movie list tonight to see when it will be playing. I know he will be good.
Is NW Wyoming like Jackson or Cody country? Larryjk

03-03-2008, 05:57 PM
It sure ain't like Jackson Hole. Them people is crazy. I live about 45 miles from Cody...East near the Bighorns and the Pryors. We have at the least 4 wolves living in the area around here. And a big cat...but ya never see them.:D

03-03-2008, 06:15 PM
Skeet, Sorry about that. I hear it that the billionairs ran the millionairs out of Jackson and the millionairs are now running average folks out of Pinedale and Cody. I know that is true for sure in Pinedale.
My haunt in Cody is having about two days to look at the guns in the Cody museum. I like to look at the nice ones to get ideas for checkering patterns.
Sorry about the insinuation!

03-03-2008, 06:41 PM
Didn't bother me. I spent a week in Jackson one night..years ago. My sister lives in Pinedale. She and her husband are doing something with a business or something. Whatever it is I think she feels it is a real pain. Cody isn't so bad yet. I should have bought a couple of places a year or two ago. Prices are really going up. In some ways there are people around Cody that think Cody is the cat's meow...but in my opinion they have the Museum and not all that much else. There are no really good restaurants...well maybe one good one. The kalipornia people keep moving in there and after a year or two...when they can't get stuff changed the way they used to have it...they seem to leave. If not then they just learn to adapt. Most Californians just don't know how to adapt to Wyoming though....thankfully. Did find out one important detail though. Wolves will not eat a Kalipornian. Good taste, huh??

03-04-2008, 08:18 PM
Skeet, OK, you got me. Just how did you ascertain that wolves would not eat a kalipornian? This really ought to be an interesting answer!