View Full Version : Full magazine + 1?

Mr. 16 gauge
10-13-2007, 03:24 PM
I'm just curious.....for those of you who use semiautos (and I suppose those who are LEO as well): Do you carry your sidearm with a full magazine, plus one in the chamber? Or do you load the magazine and and then strip off a round and call it a day? Reason I ask is that I have read in a couple of places (although I can't remember where exactly) that semiautos generally function better (i.e. fewer jams, failures to feed, ect), when stripping one off the magazine. I read were the British special forces, when using the Browning Hi-power, would only load 11 rounds in the mag instead of the 13 that the gun can carry, because they got better function.

Any thoughts? Enquiring minds would like to know............

Thanks in advance.

Dan Morris
10-13-2007, 04:12 PM
When I actually carry my ccw.......traveling and responding to a midnite alarm at work......my 45 simply has one mag then jack slide..go on thumb safety. A silent prayer that I do not have to use it!It goes in a shoulder holster under jacket and I go onward
as normal.I do not carry a full battle load......PD is out there for that...God bless em!

Joe Boleo
10-13-2007, 05:04 PM
I prefer the full magazine plus one up the tube. Take care...

Andy L
10-13-2007, 06:12 PM
Full mag+1, always.

Andy L
10-13-2007, 06:13 PM
Dan, I cant find a cop if I lock myself out of my car or have any other roadside problems.

Good luck with relying on them to protect you. :rolleyes:

Dan Morris
10-13-2007, 06:36 PM
Hey, this is just my way of carrying.......I'm sure it doesn't work for everyone....LOL

10-14-2007, 11:08 AM
I keep 5 in the cylinder. I thought magazines were for reading while sitting on the can ;)

12-26-2007, 04:55 PM
in my .45 Colt, one in the chamber, a full magazine, cocked and locked.
Same drill with any of my other semi autos.

Adam Helmer
12-26-2007, 05:33 PM
Mr. 16 gauge,

I think the Brits have it right. If anyone wants to load a mag + 1, ensure the gun will function with a full magazine loaded in a gun already chamber loaded. Many guns function by stripping the top round off the mag. The spring balance is changed by loaded mag + 1.

In my days as an agent, my Glock 19 had the 15 round mag inserted and the top round went into the chamber. To load 15 + 1 seems redundant to me and I never did it in 7 years of Glock 19 daily carry. If 15 rounds are not enough, better schedule some range time.


12-26-2007, 05:48 PM
I carry my Springy XD-40 most of the time now and I carry it with a full mag, empty chamber, simply because the hammer's internal and there's no decocker. I practice pulling and racking the slide in one fluid motion and I'm getting pretty good. I also carry 2 backup mags. I just keep hoping I'll never have to use it.

12-26-2007, 06:29 PM
Full mag plus 1. Works fine in my two Berettas. 92 FS and 96.

Adam Helmer
12-27-2007, 12:48 PM

In a confrontation, "pulling and racking" the slide will give you away and direct hostile fire onto you pronto! Keep in mind another bad guy MAY be behind you. IF you intend to shoot a bad guy, you will have better chances of surviving by releasing the safety and firing.

Secondly, if it appears you may need to use your gun, you must rack the slide to be in a positioin to fire. On the other hand, if your gun is ALREADY chamber loaded, you can decide to fire or not without anouncing to everyone that you are armed.


Skinny Shooter
12-27-2007, 02:51 PM
Hi Tater, I also have an XD but in 45acp and there is no reason why you can't carry it with 1 in the chamber. The grip safety is an added benefit.
Mine functions with a full mag +1.
Reduce the the chances for an accidental discharge by racking the slide when you are not under stress like before you leave the house when you know your finger is out of the trigger guard.
Hope you like your XD as much as I do mine. :)

Adam Helmer
12-27-2007, 03:34 PM
Skinny Shooter,

Happy New Year.

Thanks for your input on the XD since I am not familiar with that pistol. You make an excellent point about trigger finger placement while the slide is racked!

I worked a few cases undercover and let me assure you, the LAST thing you wanted to do was "RACK" a slide because EVERYONE is the place would have you in their sights since they would not know if you were a good guy or a bad guy. If a person has qualms about carrying any semi-auto pistol chamber loaded, then I suggest they go to a DA revolver. Let me say, the less noise it takes to employ your handgun the better.


Aim to maim
12-27-2007, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by Adam Helmer
........ If a person has qualms about carrying any semi-auto pistol chamber loaded, then I suggest they go to a DA revolver. Let me say, the less noise it takes to employ your handgun the better.



Adam Helmer
12-27-2007, 05:34 PM
Aim to maim,

Many thanks for your complement of my last post. I learned that "Gem" by doing and felt it needed to be passed on. If anyone needs to "smoke" a bad guy, the only sound he/she hears should be the muzzle blast from YOUR gun. Be aware that now days multiple assailants are the norm so "smoking" one may not be your ticket home free. Practice fire discipline, save a few rounds for the next assailant and keep aware of the BIG PICTURE. As we always said, "Watch your back."


12-27-2007, 06:01 PM
Guys, I live in Mtn Home, Idaho; a small, military and farm town of around 10,000. There's very little, if any, violent crime around here because everyone knows that everyone else has a gun or two. I only got my CCW permit to make it quicker and easier to buy future firearms. If I go anywhere I think I may need a handgun I carry my GP100 but I didn't mention my GP100 as it didn't really pertain to this thread.

12-27-2007, 06:48 PM
Should we let tater off the hook?? Naw:D

12-27-2007, 07:22 PM
I might be heading through your neck of the woods this weekend; you know how I like ManBeef for New Years:D

Skinny Shooter
12-27-2007, 07:33 PM
Originally posted by Tater
I might be heading through your neck of the woods this weekend; you know how I like ManBeef for New Years:D


12-27-2007, 07:37 PM

Taters scenario scared the crap out of me. On several trips to the range I have seen folk go down range set up their targets come back to the bench set up to load and fire.

Then short stoke the pistol and then innocently turn the gun around and look down the barrel with a look of bemusement and wonder why the gun didn't fire. My next act is The Sign of The Cross and a quick prayer.

I can't even imagine in my wildest dream how it would be to draw a pistol and have to cycle the slide in the heat of battle. Being the COOL and unexciteable that I am I'd probably tear the slide off the gun.

Gives me the shivers.


12-28-2007, 12:04 PM
i tried to reply to this yesterday, after typing 3 paragraphs the site would not respond , kinda pissed, to the abreviated version, sure every bullet counts but g26 holds 10, so i dont feel the need for the 11th, and if i unload, i just have a clip to stick in my pocket , not a clip and a bullet.
just a side note for those of you who add 1, load it from the clip and then top off the clip, dont drop one in the pipe and hit the slide release. you may not notice it here or there, but in time its a great way to break the extractor

Adam Helmer
12-28-2007, 03:31 PM

You make an excellent point: For those that insist on Mag + 1, load the chamber from the mag and then top off the mag.


Adam Helmer
12-28-2007, 03:42 PM
Billy D,

You make sage observations about "short strokes" as that term applies to semi-auto pistols.

Personally, I prefer to load one "up the spout" BEFORE the need arises because then I know I got the gun loaded from the "Get Go" and can bring it into firing mode with either hand in case one hand is wounded, or occupied, at the start of the confrontation. One should never assume you will have BOTH hands available to bring a gun into operation. I know one individual who was pushing back on an armed assailant who "jumped him" so he could draw his gun and in another case a guy was holding a screen door shut with his weak hand to keep a pit bull inside the residence. Yes, the dog was a casualty, eventually, but that is another story.


12-29-2007, 04:06 PM
I'll be listening for the "racking of the slide":eek:

12-29-2007, 05:28 PM
Originally posted by muledeer
I'll be listening for the "racking of the slide":eek:

OOOOOOOO, you are rotten!


02-24-2008, 01:16 PM
full mag plus one otherwise its" like taking a knife to a gun fight" quote from the Untouchables Sean Connery

03-06-2008, 08:54 PM
Full + 1 all the time