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View Full Version : spare revolver ammunition?

Mr. 16 gauge
10-13-2007, 09:43 PM
For those of you that prefer to carry a revolver for CCW, what is your prefered means of carrying spare ammo, and why? Dump pouch, speed strips, speed loaders, or loose in a pocket? Seems to me that speed loaders might be the fastest, but would be difficult to conceal, esp. during the summer months.

All responses welcome....thanks in advance.

10-14-2007, 07:38 AM
full cylinder and speed loaders.

18 shots.

like i said before the ccw is only to get me to the shotgun or ar-15.

10-14-2007, 10:51 AM
When I decided to carry a S&W Bodyguard Airweight (M-38) I accepted the fact that I would be out-gunned in a big-time shoot-out. However, given that the weapon is carried for my own protection - and I am not involved in law enforcement - I believe that 5 shots are plenty in real life. I carry no spare ammo.

10-15-2007, 08:42 AM
I carry a spare speedloader on me. The little 5-shot job takes up less space in my pocket than my housekeys do.

I also carry extra ammo in the truck, and as was stated the job of that little 5-shot is not for a full blown shootout. It is only to get me to the truck.


Adam Helmer
10-15-2007, 01:36 PM

If you feel 5 rounds is "Enough", then bless you; I hope you never need a 6th or 7th round even if you are not in law enforcement.

I worked the street in real life and let me assure you that many detectives and agents also thought they did not need spare ammo. In an incident, most LEOs shot off ALL their ammo in a hurry and then stood there with an empty gun and NO spare ammo after the adreneline rush! As the firearms instructor for 100 agents, I always stressed the need for spare ammo at semi-annual qualifications based on real incidents. Better to have a few spare rounds and not need them than the OTHER way around.

Mr. 16 gauge,

Thanks for posting a very important thread. I carried a 6-round dump pouch for the .38 Special that snapped on the belt and was very low profile. If a fellow did not have that pouch, then put 2 or 3 rounds in your pocket-it does NOT take a full cylinder load to save your life! Just 2 or 3 rounds could make a BIG difference.


Mr. 16 gauge
10-15-2007, 06:21 PM
Thanks Adam.....I've always used speed loaders while hunting, but carrying them in the pocket always produced a noticable bulge, and then there was the issue of dirt, lint, ect. I've heard stories of LEOs under fire trying to load change into thier revolvers under stress, and currently I carry the Bianchi speed strips....I've seen how fast some fellows can load a revolver with them (I am no where near that proficient) and the strip keeps them all together and relatively flat. Even if you can get 2 round in the revolver, that's better than none. I was wondering about the dump pouch, however, as I have no experience with them. Also, with the speed loaders, once dropped they don't seem to hold the ammo securely.

Adam Helmer
10-16-2007, 09:19 AM
Mr. 16 gauge,

Thanks for the reflective thinking about LEOs loading change into their guns.

At the range one day during "combat loading" and firing our 870s, one agent jammed his shotgun when he loaded a roll of Tums into the tube. Another agent jammed his shotgun when he loaded a Bic lighter into his tube! LOL.


10-20-2007, 12:43 PM
Adam, I respect your opinion and bow to your experience. I guess a couple of loose 38's in my pocket won't hurt. Up to now, plan "B" only included the prolific use of my Air Jordans.

Adam Helmer
10-20-2007, 03:03 PM

Thanks for the kind words about my experience, but be advised I am still learning.

In a "hot corner" most folks shoot off all the rounds their gun has on board due to the adrenelin rush. By having a few spare rounds in your pocket, the reloading process for even 2 or 3 rounds allows the adrenelin to dissipate a bit and then the guy can reassess the situation.

Sometimes running away is not an option when confronted with multiple assailants that have you blocked in. I could relate a few real incidents that went this way, but the point is the same: Have 2 or 3 spare rounds on your person at all times. It reassures you and can be a big SURPRISE FOR THE BAD GUYS, WHAT COULD BE MORE FAIR?


11-19-2007, 06:09 PM
I carry my revolver speedloaders in one of Sam Andrews' "slim loader" pouches.

As you can see, the speedloader rides on the belt, reducing the width of the package. The leather wraps around it, and has a top snap that functions perfectly.


Adam Helmer
11-20-2007, 11:51 AM

Thanks for the illustration-I never saw that speed loader rig before. Yes, it would be much lower profile.
