View Full Version : my sons first time bow hunting

10-14-2007, 11:04 PM
I set up a penthouse blind were the deer have been funneling threw.
It started to rain and i had informed him to only take shots he was sure of and told him which ways the deer would come frome.
I went and sat in a ground blind i have set for gun hunting and i could watch him and would not interfare with his hunt.
After a while a button buck comes out and would walks down the trail i watch the hole thing thinking any second i will see a arow slice threw it.
Then i notice that deer is real close it stops dead in its tracks and looks in the blind window it turns around and runs back 20 yards stops and walks back the hole time i am thinking any second my son will kill it then turns walks back and heads back into the woods.
Later when we are folding the blind back up i asked him why he didnt shoot it he said he didnt drop the screen and he didnt see it till it was beside the blind.
He had a good time and i did to i loved the look on this young
deers face i hope he makes it threw the seasen.
I hope to take him back out next weeknd we found some scrapes and fresh rubs.

10-14-2007, 11:41 PM
I don't have kids, but can imagine the excitement of taking a kid hunting. I offered my property to a friends 13 year old daughter. I hope she can find time in her busy schedule to hunt - there's no doubt she would have opportunities.

10-15-2007, 12:15 AM
Great little story! The circle of life huh?! Enjoy these times afield!

This is my boys first year of huntin, although he's been tagging along since he was 2 yrs old.

He's pumped for this years PA deer season!

10-15-2007, 07:49 AM
Great story and adventure!
Keep them coming in guys... I have to live my hunts through all of you this year and it is driving me nuts