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10-15-2007, 04:36 PM
I have heard stories of people shooting .45 Colt through .410 shotguns. Can you really do this with all .410s? If you can I would expect you could also shoot .44 Mag and .41 Mag too. Right? I'll put this in the shotguns forum too.

10-15-2007, 05:57 PM
It can be done but it`s very dangerous. A .410 is desinged for 15,000 psi chamber presure or less. .44`s and .45`s are much higher presure unless there is gas blowing by the bullet, which is what causes them to blow up once in a while in stead of every time.

Mr. 16 gauge
10-15-2007, 06:16 PM
I've heard this line before, and quite frankly, I think it's B.S......I know there are some specialtiy firearms out there that chamber both, but for the life of me someone has to explain to me how a bullet with the diameter of .451 can pass through a bore of .410 w/o incident.....esp. when most of those .410 shotguns are sporting full chokes.:confused:

10-15-2007, 07:05 PM
It's crap.
Or, more accurately, it's backwards.
As others have pointed out, getting a .452 projectile down a .410 barrel has some severe hazards.
Now, folks have shot 410 shotshells in some 45 caliber firearms, like the old Trapdoor Springfield 45-70. Thompson Center once made one of their single shot handguns in 45/410. That was a 45 bore, set up so it could also shoot 410 shotshells.
Taurus currently makes a 45 revolver called the Judge, that is designed to be able to shoot 410 shotshells as well as 45 Colt cartridges.
But, again, note: that's putting a 410 diameter shot charge down a .452 bore, NOT the other way around.

10-16-2007, 10:28 AM
not to mention don't forget there are guns (mostly derringers) that are MENT for you to be able to use both cartridges in them.


Adam Helmer
10-16-2007, 02:50 PM

Excellent question and a very dangerous practice, if it is possible! I would suggest all persons follow the manufacturer's suggestions for the proper ammo for any firearm.

Our savvy old timers here, Jack, Catfish and Mr. 16 gauge, have all raised interesting questions. I, personally, do not believe anyone can fire a .45 Colt cartridge in a .410 bore. It may work the other way around because then internal bore dimensions would be more in the shooter's favor.


10-17-2007, 12:18 AM
I got me a 410 gun an a 45 colt bullet..Hey Adam...hold my beer an Watch this... yeeehhhaaa!

Mr. 16 gauge
10-17-2007, 05:11 AM
hold my beer an Watch this.

Most commonly heard phrase prior to a trip to the emergency room (I know....I used to work in an emergency room!):D

10-17-2007, 09:54 PM
Chuckle, I believe Mr. Jack has it right.

As he said, it isnt shooting .45 colts through a .410, it is shooting 410's through a .45colt.

There are some revolvers made for this, as well as derringers too.
(i've shot a revolver like this, but i am not dumb...er I mean stupid, um er...gung-ho enough to do the derringer)

10-18-2007, 06:23 PM
It flat can be done. I know idots that have done it and live to tell about it. Some of the very early .410 used to come in cylinder bore and advertise that it could be done in them, BUT THESE WERE FOR BLACK POWDER and were cylinder bore. With most .410`s being full choke today it would be extra dangerous. There are several handgun sold as .45 colt that will fire .410 shot shells and these guns are safe to shoot eather in. Although they are very inaccurate with .45 ammo and there shot pattern would cover a barn door and more at 10 feet. Their best use is shooting snakes at your feet or as a belly gun at not more than 5 feet.

Adam Helmer
10-18-2007, 06:32 PM

As I said above, When in doubt, FOLLOW the gun manufacturer's instructions.

The original question was, "Can one fire a .45 Colt in a .410 shotgun?"

I ask all; What is to be gained by this exercise? If it were possible and safe, we have a fellow shooting a .45 Colt cartridge in a .410. Since darn few .410s have sights, why would one want to shoot a .45 pistol cartridge out of a shotgun lacking sights? A guy may hit my barn from 25 yards, but not much else. LOL.


10-18-2007, 09:10 PM
Catfish I know you are talking barn door size patterns out of those derringers etc. My contender however shoots great patterns. I have shot skeet with a pair...one left and one right and my best score at regular skeet that way has been a 20/25...and every one I missed that time was with the left hand. Those things shoot.. and the 45 Colt shoots pretty well also. Not much of a pistol shot but it shoots ok. Shot a couple rattlers with that gun too.