View Full Version : Back Early...Dang it

Dan Morris
10-19-2007, 06:13 PM
Went up to GMU15 early yesterday morning. Knew it had some snow but figured it was ok. Buddy with Routt Co had advised of major snow Saturday and Sunday...told him I would 'be
safe'....Got there in 1 1/2' of fresh snow, couldn't see where I'd planned to camp. Started snowing like a bear while I was there.
Did a recon around area as I wasn't having any trouble in 4X4.
Saw absolutely no tracks in my area! With the knowledge of what was coming, the ole goat figured that discretion was the better part of valor! There's always next year.....I would have been OK...no doubt some one woul have had to get me out!

10-19-2007, 07:10 PM
he'll be that much BIGer next year:cool:

10-19-2007, 07:51 PM
I love hunting and wouldn't mind dying while doing it, but I don't want to die because of stupidity. Death while hunting via natural causes, and I'm not talking about a grizzly bear, mountain lion, or wolf attack, I can live with, but not being frozen to death because I was too stubborn to call it quits when the weather was getting bad.

Good call by you. Even though you think you would be okay, if there was any doubt in your mind, you made the right call.

Dan Morris
10-19-2007, 08:17 PM
Fabs, the dudes with Routt Co once told me..." I've known you for years, you are too savy to get into a bind"...both FIJI and myself have done Search n Rescue.....90% of the binds people get in are self induced!
Going up there was my call and I foresaw trouble...at an earlier time in life I would have said YEEHAW,go for it..LOL Guess I get a lil smarter with age...too cautious...there will be another year!

Also, against all common sense...I was solo......................just me and a loaned SR radio...which I gotta UPS back to Cpt Sayter!

10-20-2007, 07:37 AM
Sorry to hear it Dan, but I think that you made a wise decision. There is no chance of making it out at a later date? All the best.

Dan Morris
10-20-2007, 08:35 AM
Nah, one week season and with the draw deal I'm stuck with
one GMU. Luck of the draw and mother nature....always happens to someone...this was just my turn!

10-20-2007, 11:46 AM
I hunted RNF not too far from Steamboat Lake SP. Started snowing Sat eve as soon as I started to gut my elk. Snowed all night, maybe 3" or so then warmed up the next morning. We got snow, rain, sleet on Sun. Lots of mud. Monday morn was a solid freeze, maybe 15 degrees F. Had to hold a candle under my boot laces to get em plyable.
I'm sure you did the right thing. If you were higher / it was a little colder, all that precip on Sun would have been snow and it would have been a lot.
My truck was at about 8500'. I left by a different route than I came in to avoid massive mud pits.
If you're not hunting deer in another season, there's always next year.

mike m

Dan Morris
10-20-2007, 02:03 PM
Mike, I was on the eastern edge of 15...north of Gore Pass...
you were west of me....good area!

10-27-2007, 11:26 PM
Wasn't that bad in WY, but we pulled up stakes & headed out too. We were near the Savage Run Wilderness W of Albany, WY

The wind was a bigger concern. Made it to Larimie to find WB I-80 & WB US 30 closed. Had ta go E to Cheyenne to go home. Lots of accidents on I-80's Sherman Hill.

Dan Morris
10-28-2007, 08:59 AM
This is only the second time in my life I've ever bailed out due to safety reasons....guess I'm getting smarter!LOL By Monday, Routt county had 4 SR's going...1 of them in the area that I left!
All worked out fine but I didn't want to be one of em!

10-29-2007, 10:09 AM
"This is only the second time in my life I've ever bailed out due to safety reasons".

Yesseree Bobby
It's always better to be "safe than sorry" when in the boonies :)

Hnter/Pete :cool: