View Full Version : Where has all the buckshot gone?

10-24-2007, 09:08 AM
I was in the local wally-world the other day and commented on the lack of buckshot lately. The cashier whiped a single box of 12 gauge buckshot out onto the counter and said it was all they had left. Of course I am looking for 20 gauge, and thanked him for his time and moved on. I began the slow trek of pawn shop, gun shop and sporting goods store checking and guess what I have found? Every one of them offered to sell me pallet loads of slugs, not ONE of them has had more than one box of buckshot, and other than a lone box of ancient looking 16 gauge it has ALL been 12 gauge.

I hate ordering ammo online, but it looks like if I want 20 gauge buckshot thats my last hope. Part of what bothers me is even online I can only find #3 anymore.

What happened to the #2, #1 and 0 buckshot for 20 guage? I remember when you could buy all of these. In point of fact I actually shot up a few years back my last three rounds of Otasco #1 3" high brass 20 gauge buckshot They where in Blue hulls no less. Since I popped them off and tossed the shells I have found three or four collectors of Otasco items that would have paid well for them. . . . . .


10-24-2007, 11:48 AM
Don't know where it has gone either.. I had a hell of a time getting some #0 here this past spring for the bear backup (bowhunting over bait) I managed to find a couple boxes, but that was it... and that was for 12ga!

10-24-2007, 07:33 PM
lots of stores dont like to carry buck shot for a 20 it is not populer to hunt with frome the 20.
my older son killed his first deer with a model 1200 winchester 20 with buck shot it worked real good.
I did notice it lost energy muck faster then the 12 did.

10-24-2007, 10:57 PM

Buckshot, shot out of a barrel at the same velocity from a 12 ga or a 20 ga will retain the same amount of energy per pellet. There are just less pellets in a 20 ga shell.

My guess on buckshot is that it is illegal for deer hunting in a bunch of states, so manufacturers and retailers are having trouble selling it. I know it is illegal to use it in Maryland for deer hunting, and pretty much any other hunting I can think of.

10-24-2007, 11:03 PM
I think Fabs hit it on the head.
Unless I am mistaken, here in oklahoma, the largest shotsize allowed for hunting is BB.

10-25-2007, 04:17 AM
I use #4 buck for coyotes in Indiana and it did take a couple of stores to find it. I could not find it in 12 guage 3 inch so i got 4 boxes of 2 3/4.

For deer buckshot is illegal in Indiana but you can use anything on coyotes.

Try a gun store that sells to the police or LEO, at least that is where i got mine. They seem to like the #4 buck and they had 00 and 0 buck but no others.

Since i am in a trade Union i steer clear of WALL_MART.
I guess that is best for another post.

10-25-2007, 08:37 AM
In the arklatex buckshot is still legal (Thats Arkansas, Texas, Lousiana for those at home) and it is still used alot. Two of the shops told me they won't carry 20 gauge buckshot because they can't keep it in stock it sells so fast so it makes their shelves look empty. . . . . What the heck? A product sells to well so you won't stock it? What is everybody following wal-marts lead? Sheesh. . . .

I have killed many MANY deer with 20 gauge buckshot and have NEVER had an issue with downrange energy. Every one I have ever shot dropped like I had hit it with a sledgehammer (or maybe a dozen or so ballpeens :p )

The only other thing I can figure is that it has to be because of the war, though I am dubious of that line of reasoning.

And yes the first place I checked was the shops that sell to the officers I work with. The best they could do was point me to cheaperthandirt and midwayusa.


10-25-2007, 09:26 AM
The shop that told ya that was blowin smoke up ya butt. 20 ga buck sells so poorly that they really don't stock the stuff. I am surprised that the ammo makers still make any... but if they quit the people that never use it would come out of the woodworks complaining. As it is now Federal makes 2 basic 20 ga buckshot loads. A #2 and a #3 loade in 2 3/4 nd 3 inch. 15 yrs ago they had 9 different loads. If it sold that good they would still be makin all of it. In point of fact the only place i have seen any amount of it for sale was in the Delaware Wally worlds. Delaware still allows the use of buck on deer. Although you haven't had an issue with the 20 ga buckshot...I wish ya would use a 12...if you just have to use buckshot. The 20 ga is just so woefully inadequate for the job except when in the hands of either an excellent shot or one who has the patience to get the "perfect shot"....mainly because of the fact it has so few pellets and they are small #2 or 3 buck. 00 and 000 does seem to kill pretty well though especially in the 10 ga

Now as far as the *^%$#@# trade unions...yep that is best served by another post or another day.

10-25-2007, 09:34 AM
Exactly what Skeet said. If buckshot in 20 ga were that popular, you would see a million varities of it. Look at all the varieties we have for waterfowlers in 12 gauge. Just figuring out what shells to buy to go waterfowling can take hours. Just within the steel line, I think Remington makes 3 different levels of quality. One is Sportsman's steel which is cheap and sucks and the other is Nitro steel which is more expensive and just slightly better. Then there are the non-toxic non-steel loads. The list is so long it makes my head spin.

10-25-2007, 12:31 PM
I am not saying it is that popular country wide, but in east Texas I know of quite a few people looking for it myself. Most of whom have never even used a computer so it isn't like they are going to order it online. I think in the end I will probably just have to wind up hand loading it. Who knows.

I can understand companies reducing the number of X or Y shells made due to lack of interest, but if that were true then there are any number of oddball rounds I still see for sale on store shelves that have been there for years and companies are still making.

BUT if it where only because of demand then why is it I can't hardly get 357/38 shotshells from CCI? Everybody and their dog here has them backordered and any time they come in they are already spoken for. I know I am on about half those lists, I have managed to get two boxes so far this year and I have already gone through both of those on snakes. The pistol shotshells don't shoot through chicken house walls, and they don't destroy your porch when you pour a copperhead out of your rubber boots in the morning.


10-25-2007, 12:35 PM

And that is the other thing it would be a real bear to pack two shotguns when I go hunting. One for my 20 gauge squirrel loads and one just to hold 12 gauge buckshot. The last several deer I bagged I did so while squirrel hunting. Amazing how that happens. And yes I am patient enough to wait for the perfect shot, or stalk in close enough to get it. I have only ever had to let one buck go because I didn't think I could make the shot on him, and I got him a week later on the same trail with 20 gauge buckshot. He hit the ground, rolled and bleeted once.



10-25-2007, 02:16 PM
He bleated?? Onea them deer with milk round his mouth!! I'm ashamed of ya.
Hey Rich...how many boxes of that stuff (38/357 shotshells)do ya want? It really isn't hard to get at all. It is, however, a bit expensive. :D

10-25-2007, 03:09 PM
depends on how expensive we are talkin :p

Seriously 38/357 I really need a couple boxes now, and if I had a source I need ta budget for at least two more before winter sets in (I only use them for snakes so I don't really need it for winter per say, but if we get a real warm day during we sometimes get them sunning themselves in the yard and they will strike at anything that moves.

Yep he bleated. He was a nice little spike, ie he had a BIG body for a spike. He tasted good though. :p


10-25-2007, 04:43 PM
He didn't have no spots did he??:rolleyes: :D :D they are about 8 bucks a box I guess. If you can get the shot capsules they are really easy to load. I just bought some at an auction the other day. Cheap too. And already loaded..at least the 38 size is. The 44 is going to get loaded next week. My wife uses a 44 mag Taurus I bought this last summer for 275 bucks. She likes the 44 for some odd reason

10-25-2007, 06:27 PM
the buck shot i have seen for the 20 is made by remington i have not seen any made by any one else it does tend to go fast at gander mountain.
Fabs i dont doubt the 20 with buck shot i have seen it work many times most the shot i have found in the chest as to the 12 i have found shot pass threw and lodge just under the skin or pass threw.
This is why i was saying it seems to loose energy faster and i will say i did not mean to say in any way a 20 would not work as good as the 12 and am sorry if it sounded that way.
I use buck shot every year as well as a riffeled slug gun there is lots of predjudice against buck shot frome guys that have never yoused it.

10-25-2007, 06:47 PM

I definitely didn't take offense at your post. Just wanted to clear it up. Using the same mass/weight pellets in a 12 gauge and a 20 gauge at the same velocity, will give you the same amount of penetration. Each INDIVIDUAL pellet is carrying the same amount of energy, irregardless of whether it came out of a 10, 12, 16, 20, 28 or .410. Now, the larger gauges carry more power because they have more of these INDIVIDUAL pellets. So, everything being equal, a single pellet from a 10 gauge will penetrate just as far as a single pellet from a .410. This applies to buckshot and bird shot, from #00 to #12 shot.

10-30-2007, 08:21 AM
Yep I will be the first to agree however that if you don't wait for the shot if you just bang away like every arse in the piney woods during openeing weekend you are going to wound alot of deer and sure not kill many with buckshot. But then again I have seen them wounded from all kinds of guns around here. daylight of opening day we leave the windows shut, and the blinds pulled and we huddle around behind the couch wearing flak jackets, steel pot helms, and praying we don't get hit in the crossfire.

